Friday, January 26, 2024

22-26 de enero

 ¡Hola Familias! 

We are starting to get back into our rhythm after a few weeks with lots of breaks and snow days! The kids have had a great week and have been working hard. Keep up the good work!

Here are more updates on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we have been learning the syllables ba, be, bi, bo, bu. To tell the difference between lowercase b and d, I tell the kids to look for the barriga (belly) in the front of the B. The dedo (finger) sticks up on the other side of the D. 

Writing / Escritura: We are still working on pattern books! This week we finished our Oso Pardo (Brown Bear) pattern books and shared them with a partner. It was fun hearing the kids reading their books to each other!

Matemáticas: This week we have been continuing to work on parts of numbers, teen numbers, and reviewing and analyzing shapes together.

Bible / Biblia: We have been learning about how God led his people into the promised land. Even though the instructions didn't make much sense, Josué (Joshua) marched with the israelitas around the city of Jericó for seven days, and look what happened! Our God is faithful, and we are learning to trust in him!

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We learned about different types of penguins and enjoyed watching videos of them--and acting like them too!

Immersion Tip of the Week

Are you as amazed and excited about your child's learning journey as I am? Tell a friend! Spread the word to help our program continue to grow and thrive in the coming years. Enrollment for preschool and kindergarten begins this Thursday, February 1st!

Reading Tip of the Week

When reading with your child this week, ask him/her to retell the story to you in order after you finish it. Or, ask: "What happened at the beginning? The middle? The end?" Sequencing and retelling stories are important reading comprehension skills for your child to practice in English AND Spanish

100th Day of School!
Our 100th day of school is coming up on Wednesday, February 7th! Would you be able to help send in an item for our 100-piece snack mix? Here is the signup! (We have cheerios and raisins already at school!)

I look forward to seeing your child on Monday, and then the following week when I'm back at school! Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 19, 2024

16-19 de enero

 ¡Hola Familias!

It was definitely another crazy week, with snowy days and (for me) a surprise snow day! We have been working to get back into our routines this week, reviewing SER expectations for different places in the school. Today we had a GREAT time at mi casa--we enjoyed a delicious breakfast (thank you to everyone who helped out with this!), played games, and had lots of fun!

Here is more of what we've been up to this week:

Reading / Lectura: We continued learning the syllables za, ce, ci, zo, zu this week. We are also preparing to start new centers groups and activities next week.

Writing / Escritura: This week we started writing books based on the familiar title "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" (Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahi?). We will continue this next week!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been practicing counting to 100, counting by 10s, recognizing shapes, and forming numbers 11-20 using manipulatives.

Social Studies / Estudios SocialesThis week we had a great opportunity to learn about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We watched a video of Dr. Seuss's book The Sneeches (read in Spanish of course) that talked about two groups of creatures that treated each other differently because of what they looked like. This led into a wonderful response where the kids were able to brainstorm and share what kind of sueño (dream) they can share with the world--to help others, to share Jesus' love, to treat everyone equally. As followers of Christ, this is even more important! It was a privilege for me to share this lesson with the kids.

Immersion Tip of the Week

We have been practicing simple addition and subtraction problems in math (mostly with numbers 1-5 and occasionally 1-10). This skill should easily transfer over into English. For fun, use a white board and write out a few problems. Ask your child how to do them--in either English or Spanish!

Reading Tip of the Week
When you are reading to your child this week, spice things up by reading with lots of expression. We have talked about some punctuation marks like puntos (.), signos de exclamación (!), signos de interrogación (?) and comas (,), so exaggerate them when you see them--or ask your child, "What does this symbol mean?"

Book Bags + Syllable Writing Activity

I know that it has been a while since I have given the kids new books for their book bags. I apologize for this! I am working on redoing literacy centers to maximize the time I have with each reading group, so the books will come next week! In the meantime, I am sending home a blue paper with a new activity that you can work on at home with your child, in which he/she writes words with 2 and eventually 3 syllables. HERE is the video that goes along with it. It is a great extension activity for your child to practice at home!

Report Cards

...went home today in envelopes with your child's name on the front. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Have a wonderful weekend! Here are more pictures from our week...