Welcome! / ¡Bienvenido!
What an exciting week--and year!--is ahead of us! Your little one has been in my thoughts and prayers all summer, and especially over this past week as I have been preparing our classroom, studying lesson plans, and getting everything ready for the school year.
On this page, our classroom blog, I will create a new post at least once a week. I will email you when it is updated--probably over each weekend--and you can feel free to subscribe (see the button at the right). I will include class photos, news about what we've been up to over the past week, and news about upcoming events so you can mark your calendars. You may also see the "calendar" feature on this blog to make sure you are not missing anything! :) Also, there are several links above the calendar, including several signups for volunteer opportunities and information about community events that might interest you.
This coming week we will focus A LOT on routines, classroom vocabulary, and simple commands. We will get to know the school building and practice using our classroom supplies. We will also play games and sing lots of songs to get to know one another. Finally, we will start up our reading, writing, word work, math, Bible, and science lessons! It's going to be a busy week! :)
On Tuesday (and every day following), our instructional day will begin at 8:15am. Please feel free to drop your child off anytime after 8:00am (kids are outside on the playground, under teacher supervision, until the first bell rings at 8:10). Before-school care begins at 7:30 (there is a small extra charge for this service). Of course, our first week or so will be more flexible, since we will be just getting into our routine!
Everybody, Always / Todo el Mundo, Siempre
You may have seen this display case (to the right) near the main Intersection at Rose Park highlighting our Spanish Immersion program. The phrase "everybody always" is highlighted in reference to our Holland Christian Schools book study. The book we read spoke of loving our neighbor, whoever that may be, as Jesus loves us. This kind of love is immeasurable, unstoppable, and oftentimes irrational. Too many times we put conditions on our love, but Jesus loves us with NO conditions--just as we are!
We are so excited and humbled to have the opportunity to teach our littlest ones a new language and culture, which will allow them to reach out with Christ's love to another 410 million people in the world! What an amazing gift this is!
Upcoming Events / Eventos por Venir
Mark your calendars for these important dates coming up!
Thursday, August 23: Parent Night (7:00-8:30pm)
Come and hear about our classroom and plans for the year and ask any questions you may have! There will be a message from Principal Rod Brandsen in the "gymetarium" from 7:30-8:00, and two half-hour sessions before and after during which you can come to our classroom. (Two sessions are arranged to allow those with multiple children to visit more than one classroom.)
Wednesday, August 29: All-School Convocation (9:00-10:00am)
Children will be bussed to the high school to join the entire school community to kick of the 2018-2019 school year. You are very welcome to join us for this special time of celebrating all that God is going to do at HC this year!
A Few Reminders / Unos Recordatorios
*Please help your child out by CLEARLY labeling two snacks (AM & PM) in his lunchbox, as well as making sure he knows whether he will have hot lunch or lunch from home.
*If your child attended HC Preschool last year, please return his/her batons at your earliest convenience.
*Please bring any school supplies that your child may be missing! A few students are missing a few school boxes and sets of headphones. Thank you!
*NO West Ottawa Public School bussing for the first 2 weeks of school. Therefore all children will need to be picked up from school at 3:20pm (except those staying for after-school care). I will prep the kiddos on the rules of the pick-up line in order to keep all children very safe. They must follow me out to our special kindergarten spot on the sidewalk. Once there, we will stand behind the yellow line until cars have stopped moving and we see mom and/or dad. Each child MUST stay by me until I know mom or dad is right there. If you would rather avoid the pick-up line for those first few days, you may also park your car and wait on the sidewalk for us to come out of the middle doors. Children will still need to follow me to our kindergarten spot though before I dismiss them to you.
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