¡Hola Familias de Inmersión!
It's been a great week filled with learning, fun, and excitement! The beautiful weather has been amazing to enjoy as well, with cool mornings and warm afternoons. We had a fantastic Walk-A-Thon on Wednesday, enjoyed reading and attending chapel with our buddies, had a surprise visit from 2nd graders learning about Johnny Appleseed, got to use our iPads for the first time, collected acorns during a fire drill for a spontaneous new math center, and more. Read more about our week below, and please check the bottom of the blog for pictures AND some important announcements regarding next week!
Our Week
This week we started learning about God's promises (promesas) through the story of Abraham and Sarah. We learned how Abraham had to trust God when he moved to a new land, and how God promised him a son even in his old age. Finally, we learned about Isaac's wife, Rebekah, and made noisemakers as a celebration of their wedding (boda).
In Reading this week, we've been studying the vowel "E" (pronounced like the short "e" in "pet"). The E and I are tricky in Spanish, since the "I" (to be studied next week) is pronounced "ee" (as in "three") and tends to confuse students. We also continued studying articles in Spanish "el", "la", "los", and "las" (they all mean "the", depending on the number ad gender), remembering that the plural ones end with "s". We are starting to practice some basic sight words in Spanish, and these words are included on the list. I hope to be sending some flash cards home with your student soon!
In writing this week, we have talked about revising our work and adding more information through labels, colors, pictures, and words. The children have practiced checking their work and adding a punto (period) at the end of a sentence. We also wrote about the Walk-A-Thon and our experience using the five senses (los cinco sentidos).
In Math this week, we've been working in small groups and practicing rotating from center to center. This allows me to work with students individually or in groups to work with students with individual needs and levels. We practiced comparing quantities, sorting shapes, and writing numbers 1-3. We also learned how to use our iPads for the first time, which was very exciting! For now we are using the app Todo Math. It has many great activities for kids to choose from. (The app is originally in English, but you can change the settings to Spanish under the "parent" mode.) Feel free to check it out if you are interested!
It being a shorter week, we did not begin to study a new sense this week. We reviewed the five senses through some cutting and pasting activities and wrote about them during writing time.
Immersion Tip of the Week
It may seem like your child spends SO much time every day learning in Spanish, but there is still much more English in his/her day! This week, try to give your child a chance to hear Spanish outside of the classroom. This could mean changing the language on a TV show or movie, going to a place where Spanish is spoken, or listening to some new music. Take advantage of every learning opportunity!
Reading Tip of the Week
Encourage your child to use "picture clues" to figure out words. For example (pointing to the word "elephant"): "This is a long word! It starts with the sound "ehh". Hmm, here's a picture of an elephant. I bet this word says "elephant"!" This is an important skill for students to use when reading and decoding new words.
Important Dates to Remember
*Thursday, October 4th is Grandparent's Day! Your child should have received 2 orange invitations in his/her folder. (Let me know if you need more!) Your child's grandparent(s) or grandfriends are welcome to join us from 1:00-3:00pm that day. Please email me if your child has permission to leave with his/her grandparent after school on Thursday.
Action Items
Could you please send in the following items with your child next week?
1. A baby picture (the more "newborn", the better--we're going to be reading a book about a baby). You may also email me one that I can print out.
2. 3-4 apples. We're going to have a special fall activity on Friday making cider with our buddies! Any variety is fine. Please send them in before Friday so we can get any more we may need.
I think that's it for now! Have a fantastic long weekend! Enjoy some pictures below.
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