Friday, December 14, 2018

10-14 de diciembre

¡Buenas noches!

This was certainly a week buzzing with energy and excitement! Despite many sicknesses in the class (today was the only day when every student was present!), we had lots of fun with learning activities every day.

First off--our cookie sale was a huge success! We raised over $600 (the best year ever), which will provide many quilts to those in need. I was told that the organization JUST received 9 requests for quilts, and they are now fully paid for! God is good!

Next week we have some more exciting events going on. Please read below for all of the important announcements!

Our Week

This week we continued learning the main characters of the Christmas story, including los pastores, la estrella, los ángeles, y los reyes magos. We've also been rehearsing some verses from Luke about the Christmas story, as well as some songs, which we hope to present to you on Thursday at our party.

We have been studying the syllables za, ce, ci, zo, zu this week. This sound is similar to the "s" in English with both "z" and "c" letters. Students are doing a great job practicing listening to the sounds in words and writing them!

In writing, we have been practicing use the possessive adjectives míos, tuyos, and suyos (which means mine, yours, and his/hers). We compared different objects, our favorite seasons, and our favorite food items. We always enjoy reading our work to each other after we finish it!

This week we've started hitting hard on sumas and restas, this time written as simple addition and subtraction problems. This is a big jump for some students, so please make sure you practice at home. Your child brought home some tarjetas de números--number cards--that you can use to practice adding and subtracting. You can also have your child practice counting on his/her fingers or making drawings to model a math problem.

Reading Tip of the Week
In some of our reading groups, we've worked on developing fluency when we read. Fluency is reading like talking--not too quickly, but also not in a choppy way. When you read to your child, read with lots of expression to model this!

Immersion Tip of the Week
What's your favorite Christmas song or carol? Try to find it and listen to it in Spanish this week. YouTube is a great resource for this!

Upcoming Events & Announcements:

*Monday, December 17th: We are going to visit other classrooms in traditional posada fashion singing Christmas songs in Spanish. If your child has red, white, or green, have him/her wear it that day! 

*Wednesday, December 19th: Please return ALL library books before vacation!

*Thursday, December 20th: Class Party! See you at 2:00 in our classroom. Please remember that your child needs to bring a $3, wrapped gift (boys for boys and girls for girls). You may label it "Para un amigo" and "De (your child's name)". Don't forget to bring what you signed up for

Enjoy these pictures from our busy week!

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