Sunday, March 3, 2019

25 de febrero - 1 de marzo

¡Hola familias!

Can you believe we made it a full week without a snow day or snow delay?! It was so good to be back in full swing, and it was also great to have fun activities every day for Makers' Week! The students really enjoyed going to different classrooms, making new friends and teachers, and experiencing a new, STEM-based project every day. It was fun for me to work with new students for three days and then to do the activity (in Spanish) with the entire class on Friday. 

Since our week was adapted quite a bit, I will give you a brief list of highlights:

Highlights from our Week

*For Makers' Week, students enjoyed projects such as creating Rube Goldberg machines, making chain reactions with dominos, building marble roller coasters, and protecting an egg from breaking during an egg drop! In my class, we made marble mazes (laberintos de canicas). I enjoyed seeing students' creativity blossom as they participated in these new and different activities!

*We enjoyed a special picnic in our classroom to celebrate the end of febrero and the students' completion of their goal to speak español in class. They are doing a fantastic job! 

*We read about the story of David y Goliat in Bible class and then put the story in sequential order for writing time. It was fun to act out this well-known story with the kids, and to remind them how God is bigger than any giant that we may face.

*We visited the fourth graders and their mercado at Market Day. The students had a great time purchasing items that the fourth graders had designed, marketed and created!

*We started talking about and exploring 3-dimensional shapes (cuerpos geométricos) in math class. We learned that these shapes take up space and can be moved in all directions, and that an esfera (sphere) is different from a círculo. We also experimented with play-doh to create 3-dimensional shapes.

*We visited our third grade amigos and made snowflakes, and then we had the chance to read to them. Usually they read books to us, and it was exciting to see the roles reverse. The kindergarteners were so proud that they could read their own books to their buddies--and the third graders were super impressed at their abilities to read in Spanish!

Immersion Tip of the Week

Transfer refers to skills that your child learns at school in Spanish and can easily pass over into the English language. To see this in action, try telling or acting out some number stories with your child this week. For example, "If I have 2 apples and you have 3, how many do we have altogether? What if you have 5 apples and you give me 1?" Have your child practice saying the equation. We practice stories like this in matemáticas. While you do not have to reteach the concept in English, practicing it will help further solidify your child's skills.

Reading Tip of the Week

Tape words (or letters) written on index cards to the wall in your staircase or hallway. See if your child can read them (or say the sound) when walking by. Change them up by either writing new words or changing the order. There is power in learning while in motion!

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Wednesday, March 13th: We will be doing a chapel service again, this time with our buddy class (Miss Snoeyink's 3rd graders). All students will participate in some way, whether it be reading, acting out a story, or singing. Come join us at 10:35am!

*Thursday, March 21st: SI Parent meeting from 6:30-7:30pm. Come and learn more about your child's Spanish Immersion journey, hear about what's coming up, and bring a friend who might be interested in Spanish Immersion for their child!

*Monday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 27th: Parent-Teacher conferences. Make sure you have signed up for a spot!

*March 29th-April 5th: Spring Break!

Hope you've had a great weekend so far! ¡Hasta mañana!

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