Friday, October 4, 2019

30 de septiembre - 4 de octubre

¡Hola Familias!

Whew! Is anybody else thankful for the weekend?! We had an amazing (but yes, exhausting!) week! We started out with a sunny, humid trip to Crane's to pick apples and go through a corn maze, then celebrated a cooler end of the week with our abuelos y abuelas! Scroll down for a LOT of photos of both events, as well as some activities we've been working on in the classroom. 

Here's an update on our week:

Bible: We are learning about José (Joseph) and how he was sold by his hermanos to Egipto. We've remembered that even in difficult times, God always was with José and had a plan for him.

Reading: We finished el alfabeto! Next week we'll jump into a foundational piece of reading in Spanish: las sílabas (syllables). More info to come!

Writing: We've continued to write about ourselves and our clothing (la ropa). We also read a book about los bebés, enjoyed looking at our baby photos, and had an actual bebé visit our classroom!

Math: We've been practicing shapes, counting, parts of a number, and putting numbers in order. This week we started working with number tiles to order, sort, and compare.

Science: We finished learning about the fifth sentido (sense) this week by talking about la nariz (the nose), which we use to oler (smell). We smelled some different objects, including cocoa poweder, vinegar, candles, and garlic salt, learning the phrases huele bien/huele mal (it smells good/bad). We also did a mystery scent test to see if we could match up items using only la nariz!

Immersion Tip of the Week
You'll notice that some of Spanish reading instruction looks a little different from English reading instruction--for example, Spanish reading relies heavily on syllable blending. Even though some of the phonics and strategies are different from English, many strategies--such as comprehension of text and using picture clues--are the same and will transfer to English. 

Reading Tip of the Week

Let's keep it simple this week--just READ together! Don't underestimate the power of reading with your child! If you have not already, incorporate reading books into your daily routine. Looking for new books? Your child brought home a Scholastic order form with instructions for ordering online, and there are many titles in both English AND Spanish!

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Monday, October 14th: Field Trip to DeGraaf Nature Center! I can take 3 chaperones--if you're interested, please let me know! Once again, I will take volunteers on a first-come, first-serve basis, although I will give preference to parents who have not chaperoned a field trip yet. :)

*Monday, October 21st and Tuesday, October 22nd: Parent-Teacher Conferences

*Wednesday, October 23rd: Half Day

*Thursday/Friday, October 24/25: NO SCHOOL: CEA Conference 

OK, I think that's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend!

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