Friday, November 6, 2020

2-6 de noviembre

 ¡Hola Familias!

What a gift this week was! We had some great outdoor learning time this week--we spent time outside writing, learning Bible stories, and even doing some math activities! I'm so thankful for the mild weather, the sun, and every day I get to spend with your children learning together.

Here's what we've been doing this week...

Reading / Lectura: Our syllables of the week were na, ne, ni, no, nu. We have been practicing identifying, reading, writing, and hearing the syllables in many new vocabulary words! We've also been continuing to learn about sustantivos (nouns) and how they can be singular or plural.

Writing / Escritura: This week we continued to use emotion vocabulary as a springboard for our writing. We've also been practicing publishing our work digitally using Seesaw, where we can record our voices and share ideas with our classmates.

Math / Matemáticas
: We've been practicing telling stories of sumas and restas, or addition and subtraction stories, using real-life situations. We have also started experimenting with different ways to represent a number using tiles and equations.

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned about how los israelitas disobeyed God--first, when they worshipped the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai; then, how the spies sent to the promise land were afraid to take the land that God had given them. Even though they disobeyed, God never stopped loving his people--just like he always loves us! We concluded our week by learning about la batalla de Jericó. We even built some muros (walls) in the woods today!

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We've been starting to prepare for our school-wide "Christmas Around the World" activity that we will be doing in December. Our class is learning about la Navidad en México! This week we learned about two important traditions in Mexico--el nacimiento, or the Nativity scene, and los tamales--which the kids thoroughly enjoyed making AND eating!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Typically for a new vocabulary word to "stick", students learning a new language need to hear it between 40 and 60 times. When the word is repeated across different contexts (e.g. in reading and math), it's more likely that the child will remember the word. In our classroom, we are constantly reviewing and practicing our vocabulary in different ways; for example, through a song, with an action, or using a visual cue.

Reading Tip of the Week
When reading with your child from their book bag, remind them to follow along with their eyes and fingers. Ask questions about the pictures in the books!

Supplies Needed!

We're in need of some more small (sandwich size) and large (gallon size) Ziplock bags for our classroom. If you're able to donate a box, I'd be very appreciative! ¡Muchas gracias!

Have a wonderful weekend! ¡Que disfruten del fin de semana!

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