Friday, December 4, 2020

30 de noviembre - 4 de diciembre

 ¡Hola Familias!

There's no question about it--La Navidad is quickly approaching! We've been having lots of fun in class building anticipation through crafts, stories, and songs, all en español! It's exciting to hear the kids growing in their confidence with the language as we play, grow, and learn. What a blessing it is to be together!

Here's what we've been learning this week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we practiced syllables with da, de, di, do, du. We've bene working on putting syllables together to read new words. We've also been reading in small groups together to practice our reading strategies!

Writing / Escritura: We are wrapping up our unit on la ropa, or clothing. We've learned different songs and enjoy playing guessing games to practice this vocabulary. As we incorporate clothing words into our writing, we've also practiced labeling our work and adding more detail.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we've been practicing patterns, shapes, and number stories. Next week we'll be diving into lots of sumas, or addition problems!

Bible / Biblia
: We have been learning about el Rey David and how he had a heart for God. We spent time in los salmos (the Psalms) reading David's words praising God, and learned about how he became the king of Israel. Next up, we'll take a break from the Old Testament and move to the story of the birth of Jesus!

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We've been learning so much about la Navidad en Mexico! This week we had a blast making our own piñatas! The kids are very eager to fill them with candy and break them open, but for now they will be on display in our hallway for our Christmas Around the World project. ;)

SI Christmas Concert: It's coming up! The kids did a great job recording this week, and we can't wait until Friday, December 11th at 6pm to watch the show! Details (and some surprise treats!) to come!

Christmas Craft Reminder! 

If you have not sent in your vase yet, please do so BY MONDAY! We need it to prepare a Christmas centerpiece that you can enjoy in your home this holiday season. 

Reminder: Water Bottles

Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. Our classroom water fountain is currently off-limits, and I'm running very low on cups to give out to students who forget their waters at home. ¡Muchas gracias!

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy lots of photos from our fun week below.

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