We had a fantastic first 5-day week of the school year! It was a beautiful week filled with learning and fun. One of our highlights this week was the Walkathon, where we celebrated raising over $70,000 to benefit our school and students! Your child brought home his/her yellow Walkathon t-shirt on Wednesday. Please try to keep it in good condition because we will wear them again for the Spring Program!
Here is a summary of what we have been learning this week:
Reading / Lectura: This week we have been studying the letters H, I, J, K, and L. We are reviewing the letters and sounds every day and learning lots of new vocabulary! We have also been practicing building our reading stamina alone and with a partner, as well as classifying different types of nouns (sustantivos).
Writing / Escritura: We have continued to focus on la familia vocabulary in our Writing Workshop time. We've also been working on adding more to our work when we think we've finished.
Math / Matemáticas: We are almost done with our number poems! The kids practiced 7, 8, and 9 this week. Next week we will start using our math workbooks, learn some new games and activities, and begin to establish more math routines.
Bible / Biblia: This week we finished the story of la creación--the Creation story. We learned how God created pájaros y peces (birds and fish), animales y personas (you can figure that one out!), and how on the 7th day, God rested (Dios descansó). We are so thankful for the amazing creation of God we can see every day!
Science / Ciencias: For our Cinco Sentidos (5 senses) unit, we started our focus on las manos para tocar (hands for touching). We did an experiment where we guessed what an object was just by feeling it inside a sock. The kids had a blast with this one!
Hispanic Heritage Month
We are SO excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month next week on Wednesday! Thank you so much to all of the parents who have already volunteered to make this school-wide event a success. If you have not signed up to help out yet, please take a look at the opportunities here.
BirthdaysWe had our first 2 class birthdays today and another one over the weekend--¡feliz cumpleaños! I realize that I did not mention birthday treats yet. If it is your child's birthday or half birthday (for those that fall in summer), you are welcome to send in a treat. Please note that we have a dairy allergy in the classroom, so treats should be non-dairy. I'd appreciate if you gave me a heads-up a day or so in advance if you plan on sending in a birthday treat for your child. :) Gracias!
Kindergarten Mom Brunch
Calling all Rose Park Kindergarten moms! You are invited to a brunch hosted by two other RP moms. Any younger siblings are welcome to attend as well. Please see the invitation to the right for more details. Please RSVP at allisonjgeenen@gmail.com.
Immersion Tip of the Week
Singing is a powerful way to learn a language! I bet you have probably heard your child singing songs in Spanish at home (we do a lot of that!). Ask your child if he/she remembers the song for "can you open this please?", the song for getting in line ("silencio"), or the song for washing their hands ("el agua y el jabón").
*If you haven't seen it already, check out our Spanish Language Resources page with info about songs that I use a lot in class, in case you're interested in downloading them and playing them at home...on repeat...over...and...over. :)
Reading Tip of the Week
Play a game with your child by segmenting words. Try something like this: "Base - ball. What does that say?" (baseball) Continue with compound words, such as snowman, football, bookcase, etc. Then, break down words into syllables, for example: "ta - ble". Finally, you can do sounds in the words, like "c - a - t". You can do this while running errands together, while driving somewhere in the car, while getting ready for bed, or really anytime!
That's all for this week, familias! Enjoy your weekends and see you on Monday! Below are more pictures from the week!
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