Well, it looks like all that snow we didn't get over break is here! We had a great start to our week, but we'll have to catch up next week after this crazy snowstorm passes!
Here's what we have been up to this week...
Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables za, zo, zu and the soft c found in ce/ci, which both make the /s/ sound in Spanish. We have also been practicing reading pattern books using whisper phones so we can check for accuracy as we read!
Writing / Escritura: At the beginning of the week we moved all of our previously-written pattern books into our book boxes, so the kids can read them during independent and partner reading time. We have also been working on a pattern book in the style of "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?" (in Spanish, Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí?). The kids have been so successful in writing these, and it is fun to see their creativity!
Math / Matemáticas: We are hitting hard on addition and subtraction problems as well as solving number stories! The kids have enjoyed using their white boards to write large numbers, invent their own equations, and write to 20 or higher. We are also starting new math centers to practice parts of numbers, shapes, and more!
Bible / Biblia: After taking a break during the Christmas season, we have returned to Moisés y los israelitas en el desierto! This week we learned how God took care of the Israelites as they were wandering in the desert--the cloud by day, the pillar of fire by night, manna from heaven, quails, and water from the rock. Our God takes care of us!
Reading Tip of the Week
Try introducing your child to a new book series. Some of our favorites are Hombre Perro (Dog Man), the Berenstain Bears, and the Magic Tree House books. If you aren't sure where to start, visit the library and try out some different ones!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Do you have Netflix, Amazon Prime, or Hulu? Does your child have a favorite show or series? Try changing the language to Spanish this week! Or, search for some videos in Spanish on YouTube. Peppa Pig en español or Pocoyo is a great place to start.
Desayuno con Maestra / Breakfast at Maestra's House!
Next Thursday, the class is invited to mi casa for breakfast and fun! You will drop off your child at my house (357 Wildwood Dr., Holland 49423) at 8:30 (I live on the south side of Holland, about 10 minutes away from Rose Park). We will have breakfast, play games, have centers, and then take a bus back to Rose Park at 10:00 for morning recess. Would you like to help out by either volunteering or sending in food items? Check out our signup here!
New Behavior System
As you probably already know, at Rose Park we work hard to encourage kids to make positive behavior choices every day. My students have grown SO much the year already, and I am so proud of them for making positive choices, being kind friends, and showing respect to others! To further encourage good behavior, I will be introducing a new class-wide system next week. Your child will start bringing home a calendar with his/her behavior choice represented by a color. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about this. Let's keep the learning going!
That's all I have for this week! Enjoy the snowy weekend, and I hope to see your child on Monday for a FULL week of learning! ;)
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