It was a short week, but we have been pretty busy! Today we had fun taking care of our chivos (goats) at the Rose Park Ranch. We also had a special time of praise and worship with the other Spanish Immersion classes in our invernadero (greenhouse). We are thankful to God for all of our blessings, especially the gift of His son!
Here are more updates from our week:
Reading / Lectura: We didn't learn a new syllable this week, but we have done lots of practice reading, writing, and counting syllables in words. We are also enjoying using our imagination when we read to talk and act like characters.
Writing / Escritura: This week we wrote about things we are thankful for. Additionally, we wrapped up our unit of list and label books. We chose our favorite books and read them to the class, celebrating the great work we have done!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we explored los triángulos and their attributes. We have also been starting to work on recognizing numbers 11-20 and counting to higher and higher numbers.
Bible / Biblia: We learned this week about los israelites and how they were finally set free from slavery in Egypt. God took care of them in the desert by leading them with una nube (a cloud) by day and una torre de fuego (a pillar of fire) by night.
Cookie Sale
You should have received a pink paper with more information regarding our Kindergarten cookie sale, which will take place on Thursday, December 8th at 10:00am. Please sign up here to help our our class by sending in cookies, providing a recipe, or coming help prepare cookies with our class!
Don't forget to send in a glass vase (about 10 inches tall and 3 inches wide) for a Christmas craft we will do as a class after Thanksgiving break!
Water Bottles
Please don't forget to have your child bring a water bottle to school every day! My stash of extra cups is starting to dwindle. ¡Muchas gracias!
Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving break, and I look forward to seeing your child back at school on Monday!