Friday, November 18, 2022

14-18 de noviembre

¡Hola Familias!

All of a sudden it seems like winter came! We had a great time playing in the snow this week, and who was expecting a snow day in mid-November?! 

Here are some updates from our week:

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with N: na, ne, ni, no, nu. We have also been enjoying acting out stories and talking like characters from the books we read. On Wednesday we made puppets to act out parts of our stories--the kids loved doing this!

Writing / Escritura: We are having a great time writing our libros de listas! We've been working on writing words on every page and adding more pictures and details.

Math / Matemáticas: We have been working on telling story problems, using the signs más (+), igual (=), and no igual. We are also continuing to practice our penmanship as we write sequences of numbers.

Bible / Biblia: We are learning about Moisés and how he went to ask Faraón to deliver the Israelitas from slavery. We also learned about the 10 plagas that God sent to Egipto

Immersion Tip of the Week 

Have your child be the "teacher" at home. If you are new to Spanish, ask your child to teach you some words/phrases. If you speak the language, ask your child to describe what we have been learning at school. Celebrate the amazing growth your child is making!

Reading Tip of the Week

As you read together, have your child notice the pictures in books. See if he/she can match a picture with a word by identifying the beginning sound. For example, "I see a baby on this page. B-b-baby begins with the letter B. Can you find that word in this sentence?" This is an important skill for emerging readers!

Kindergarten Cookie Sale

 Every year as one of our service projects, the Kindergarten classes come together for a giant, school-wide cookie sale! It is a fun opportunity for the kids to make cookies in the classroom, "sell" them to other classes, and use the money for a good cause. This year we are super excited to be raising money for Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child, which is an amazing organization that provides Christmas gifts for children in need while teaching them the Gospel message. We need your help in making the cookie sale a success! Please click here to see ways you can help and to sign up! Our cookie sale will take place on Thursday, December 8th. Your child will take home a pink paper on Monday with more information about it!

Scholastic Order

I sent home another Scholastic packet this week. Books make great Christmas presents, and there are a lot of great options for early readers! If you'd like to order books for the holidays, please make sure your order is in by Monday, November 28th. Order online using class code TRHVL.

Christmas Craft: Vase Needed!

We will be making a Christmas craft after Thanksgiving and each child will need a glass vase (about 8-10 inches in height and 3-3.5 inches in diameter). Please send in a vase your child can use by Monday, November 28th

Thanksgiving Break

Next week we will have school on Monday and Tuesday, but no school on Wednesday-Friday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are a few more photos from the week. Enjoy the long weekend!

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