Friday, December 16, 2022

12-16 de diciembre

 ¡Hola Familias! 

¡Feliz Navidad! We had such a fun week, between our SI Christmas concert, a few special chapels, our Christmas party, gift exchange, and celebrating today with a movie. As anticipation and excitement fill the air, let's try to pause and remember why we celebrate Christmas. Our Lord and Savior came down to earth, born in to a humble family, in a dirty manger, to live--and die--for us. May we all remember this, God's greatest gift, during this time--and throughout the year.

In the midst of all of our special activities, we've also been doing lots of learning! Here is a brief summary of our week:

Reading / Lectura: We have continued to learn about pattern books. We enjoyed reading and re-reading the book Oso parso, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí? (or Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?). 

Writing / Escritura: We wrote our own books mirroring Oso Pardo, called ¿Qué ves ahí? The kids had a lot of fun writing their own stories and sharing them with partners! We are keeping them at school so the kids can read them, but eventually you'll get to see them too. ;)

Math / Matemáticas
: We completed our Unit 2 test this week, reviewing shapes (including exploring hexágonos), numbers from 1-10, and more! 

Biblia: We have been working on memorizing a section of Lucas 2, which tells about how the angels appeared to the shepherds to tell them of the good news of Christ's birth.

Christmas Concert Link

If you want to watch our Christmas concert again, here is the link! 

Christmas Challenge

We have done SO much learning this year, and I am so proud of the kids! To help them keep learning over break, I have put together a "Christmas Challenge" packet for the kids to do. Please look for a packet with a yellow paper in your child's folder with details. There are simple reading and math activities to do every day, and everyone who completes the challenge and returns the paper in January will win a prize! Thank you for helping your child keep learning!

Desayuno con Maestra! Breakfast with the Teacher!

I know that January 2023 feels a long way away, but it will be here before we know it! On the morning of Friday, January 13th, I will invite the class to have breakfast... en mi casa! (Yes, at my house!) You will drop off your child at my house in the morning and we will take the bus to school after we finish. Just wanted to put this on your radar--I'll have more information coming soon!

Lunch Duty 2023

I just created a new signup for this semester's lunch duty. Would you consider volunteering in our classroom having lunch with our sweet class? Sign up HERE

Looking for More? Build your Child's Reading Stamina!

If you are staying around and looking for another great resource over Christmas break, might I recommend this video series? It is a video series designed to help your child build reading stamina, eventually reading up to 30 minutes at a time! (I did this with my own kids a couple of years ago, and I really see the difference in their ability to sit down and read a book for a sustained period of time.) Simply open the link, scroll down, and hit "watch video series"! It is easy and really fun to do during some down time at home.

Thank you! ¡Gracias!

My gratefulness for you goes beyond words. Thank you for each kind message, smile, gift, and treat. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to teach your child this year!

My prayer is that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, a happy New Year, and that our learning in 2023 will continue to be as amazing as it has been so far! ¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

Have a wonderful and rest-filled Christmas vacation! I look forward to seeing your child back at school again in January 2023!

Friday, December 9, 2022

5-9 de diciembre

¡Hola Familias!

We have had a great week in Kindergarten! Anticipation is building as we get close to Christmas, vacation, and fun events like our Christmas concert! I love the joy that is in our classroom every day!

Before I continue, I want to say a HUGE "THANK-YOU" to everyone who supported our Kindergarten Cookie Sale! We raised a total of $631.64 to donate to Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child. What a blessing to be able to send Christmas joy--and the good news of Jesus--to other children throughout the world!

Here is a snapshot of what we have been doing at school...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables la, le, li, lo, lu. We are also working hard to read pattern books! We've also been learning the difference between adjetivos (adjectives) and sustantivos (nouns).

Writing / Escritura: We continued writing pattern books this week, including continuing the pattern A mí me gusta... (I like...). The kids have been doing a great job writing the sounds they hear, as well as leaving spaces between the words we write.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we worked more on penmanship of numbers from 1-10. We also explored shapes, including hexágonos, and had fun with our Christmas math centers.

Bible / Biblia: We have been working hard preparing for our Christmas program! More information below!

SI Christmas Concert

Our SI Christmas concert is coming up! Tuesday, December 13 @ 6:30pm. 
Please do not have your child arrive prior to 6:10pm, as we will still be getting things ready for the night. At 6:10pm we will greet kids at Door DThis is NOT the same door as last year. The door is off the back of the high school and you should park in the parking lot off 40th street "behind" the high school. They will gather in one of the rooms to the left once inside the high school. Once you drop off your kiddo, feel free to find a seat in the auditorium. They should arrive in their Christmas Sunday best. Please no headgear (silly hats, antlers, etc...) unless it is a hair bow or ribbon. PRESCHOOLERS: Will be dismissed to meet you on the left or right side of the auditorium once their part is over. Please make sure you take your child's coat with you into the auditorium, as they will not necessarily return to that room afterward. There will be baskets of candy canes after the concert at the exit, please feel free to grab one per child, even siblings as you leave for the evening.

Class Christmas Party

Our class Christmas party will take place on Thursday, December 15th from 1:05-2:00. Please note that we will have a $5 gift exchange. Boys should bring a wrapped present labeled "Para un Niño" and girls should bring a wrapped present labeled "Para una Niña". If you could send in the gift a few days before, that would be great so I can make sure we aren't missing any! Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to help!

Discovery Night: January 12th

We love Holland Christian! Help us spread the word and invite your friends to our upcoming Discovery Night! See information below.

That's it for now, familias! Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!