Friday, September 8, 2023

5-8 de septiembre

¡Hola Familias! 

It was a short, but very busy, week here in Kindergarten! It has been so exciting to see friendships building and kids getting more comfortable with each other. We have also been getting used to our routines and building more confidence en español every day!

This week we met with the other 2 kindergarten classes to learn about two of our Discipleship Practices here at Holland Christian: Glorificar a Dios (God-glorifying) and Crecer en Comunidad (Community-growing). It was a joyful time of singing, learning, and thanking God for our community!

Here is what else we've been learning this week...

Reading / Lectura: We have been learning more letters and sounds--F, G, H, and I. We also focused on the vowel (vocalA this week and practiced identifying it in the classroom and in books. We are also learning the difference between una persona y un lugar (a person and a place), as well as how to use quiet voices when we read and look at books for longer periods of time.

Writing / Escritura: This week we have continued to learn vocabulary of la familia as we practice the writing process. We have also been enjoying sharing our work with each other!

Math / Matemáticas: We finished our number book! This week we learned numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. We have been practicing identifying numbers 1-5 and counting objects.

Bible / Biblia: This week we finished the story of la creación--the Creation story. We learned how God created pájaros y peces (birds and fish), animales y personas (you can figure that one out!), and how on the 7th day, God rested (Dios descansó). We are so thankful for the amazing creation of God we can see every day!

Science / Ciencias: As we continue learning about los cinco sentidos (the five senses), this week we learned about las manos para tocar (hands for touching).

Immersion Tip of the Week

One reason we don't use translation in a Spanish Immersion class is because we want the students to make immediate connections between the action, object, or concept to the Spanish word. If we translate into English, they pay less attention to the Spanish word and just wait for the translation. In the coming weeks, we'll be practicing an important skill called circumlocution in which the students learn how to describe unknown words using vocabulary they already know. 

Reading Tip of the Week

When reading a book this week, try to think of words that rhyme with words in the book. For example, "This word says 'house'. What words rhyme with house? Can you think of any?" This kind of activity will increase your child's phonemic awareness, a critical skill for reading in any language! 

Picture Day

...will be next Wednesday, September 13th. Please make sure you have turned in your child's photo form by that day. (Also--I encourage every family to order a yearbook picture so that everyone will get a yearbook at the end of the year!)

Kindergarten Family Night

Come join us for a night of fun and community at our Kindergarten Family Night! Join us at Crane’s Orchard on Thursday, September 28th from 5:30-7:30pm for hay rides, the corn maze, and lots of fun and fellowship as we get to know each other better! We will cover each kindergartener’s ticket, and each additional family member’s ticket is $10 per person. Will you please fill out this form to help us get a head count for the evening? Thank you; we can’t wait! 

-Mrs. Brouwer, Mrs. Bos, and Maestra Klipp Lopez

Spirit Week is next week - a flier should be coming home with your students soon!

HC Homecoming is next week Friday, September 15 at 7pm - you’re invited, tickets here!

Parent/Guardian Volunteers - If you are interested in volunteering and joining for any school events we need an ichat form and a copy of your drivers license previous to your attendance at events. This can be filled out and e-mailed to or dropped off at Rose Park at your earliest convenience - a new form must be filled out each school year!

Carpool edits are still underway you may have noticed we are giving the carpool lane the right of way as soon as they start moving - if you’re in the parking lot or on the sidewalk please wait until all three lanes have cleared before you attempt to walk to your cars or pull out of the parking lot! Thanks!

Walkathon packets went home this week. Please bring them back by September 20th! 

A Note from our Immersion Coordinator (below):

I think that's all for now! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy your weekends! Lots of photos below from our week:

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