Friday, February 9, 2024

5-9 de febrero

¡Hola Familias! 

It was great to be back with the kids this week after my time away in Guatemala! We had a great week of fun and learning. Some special things we did this week included our Peluche Day on Tuesday, and el día de cien (100s Day) on Wednesday! I love celebrating the kids' growth, and they are SO proud of themselves for speaking so much Spanish!

Here are some more updates on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we have been learning the syllables with v, which can sometimes sound like the English /v/ sound or also the /b/ sound. We've also been reading stories talking about characters' feelings, as well as working on conjugating verbs in the yo (I) form as well as the tú (informal "you") form.

Writing / Escritura: We concluded our unit on pattern books, or libros de patrón, by writing our own pattern books and sharing our favorite book with the class. It is fun to celebrate each other!

Math / Matemáticas: This week we have worked on counting and writing from 1-100, manipulating shapes and recognizing their attributes, and classifying groups of objects in different ways.

Bible / Biblia: After learning about some of the Judges and important figures in Israel last week, this week we focused our attention on Samuel. We learned how his mother, Ana, prayed every day in the templo for a baby, and how God answered her prayer. We also learned how Samuel heard the voice of God at night and responded to him. We are learning how God can speak to us in our hearts as well! Finally, we learned how los israelitas wanted a king and how they chose Saúl.

Social Studies/ Estudios Sociales 

We are learning about some famous figures from Black History Month, and this week we focused on the story of Ruby Bridges. The kids were amazed to hear how brave she was, even up against opposition. 

Valentine's Day / El Día de San Valentín

We are looking forward to this fun day as a class exchanging valentines together. Your child may label his/her valentines "para un amigo", OR he/she may write names on them; however, it is best to only write classmates' names if your child can read them! Candies are fine (preferably non-chocolate as we have dairy allergies), but non-candy "treats" are great too! 

Your child has a pink paper in his/her folder with the names of our classmates on it. :)

Lunch Helper

We have some spaces open for lunch helper in the next few weeks! Can you spare a half hour of your time on Wednesdays? The kids would love to have lunch with you!

Manos de Jesús

Here are a few pictures from the backpack distribution we did at Manos de Jesús in Guatemala. This was made possible by all of YOUR efforts at our cookie sale in December! Muchas gracias from the community of Chichicastenango!

Carpool: In an effort to be smooth and efficient in the carpool line, please take a look at these expectations: First, at morning drop off please pull as far forward as possible, and coach your children on exiting the car quickly, this allows us to get all students into the building and to their classrooms as soon as possible. If we can avoid adults getting out of the car this allows the line to move quickly, and we can get our school day started right at 8:15.  Additionally, after school -  please make sure to give the three carpool lanes the right of way. As soon as we release the carpool lanes we need to those to continue moving, avoiding stops from people walking through the parking lot or parking lot vehicles  trying to exit. Once the first round of carpool is released then you may continue to exit the parking lot or cross from the sidewalk!

Spirit Week is  February 12-15:

Monday 12th : Pajama Day.

Tuesday 13th: Camo/Tie-Dye Day

Wednesday 14th:  Heart/Red Day

Thursday 15th: Maroon & White Day

Friday 16th: NO SCHOOL

Have a great weekend! Here are more photos from our week...

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