¡Hola Familias!
Feliz Navidad! Today we wrapped up a week filled with excitement, anticipation, and fun...is anyone else exhausted? ;) Through all the craziness, I know I sometimes need to stop, breathe, and reflect on why we're celebrating Christmas. The fact that God sent His only Son to the earth as a helpless baby for us--now, that's an indescribable gift, and a reason to celebrate!
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again--I'm so thankful for YOU! Gracias for your kind words, encouragement, notes, gifts, and smiles that always brighten my day. It is truly a gift to be your child's teacher and to walk with you on this journey together--juntos!
This past week we had lots of celebraciones, celebrated Las Posadas with our preschool friends, searched for the mischievous classroom duende, enjoyed wearing las pijamas, practice the syllables ba, be, bi, bo, bu, wrote about La Navidad, played Christmas games in matemáticas, and reached our first monthly goal by speaking lots of español.
Here are a few important announcements and upcoming dates to remember:
*Bethany Follow-up Activity: This was due today, but if you weren't able to drop off your book, you may still do so anytime! Thank you for making a difference in a child's life!
*SI Chapel: Coming up Wednesday, January 8th at 10:35am. See you there!
*Grupitos / Small Group time (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY!)
We are excited to start our Grupitos time on Tuesday, Jan. 7. This is a time where all Kindergarten and 1st graders will gather IN THE LIBRARY at 8:15am EVERY DAY. We will then group them based on reading and literacy needs. This is a time where each student will get some focused small group time at their "just right" level in addition to their classroom instruction. There will be 3 teachers available to work with students each day, and this helps make our groups smaller and more efficient.
*If you arrive BEFORE 8:10AM —> Take your child to lockers, put everything away, go outside to play until bell rings (after bell rings, go straight to the library)
*If you arrive AFTER 8:10AM —> Take your child straight to the library (bring backpack and all their things!)
*If your child arrives ON THE BUS —> We’ll direct him/her straight to the library to get started right away
We want to make sure to use every minute of instructional time to the best of our ability. Thank you for making sure your child is at school AT or BEFORE 8:15am each and every day.