Friday, December 6, 2019

2-6 de diciembre

¡Hola Familias!

A Message from the SI Team (Dinah, Hillary, Taylor, Perla, Daniela):
WOW! What a wonderful sight it was to see so many smiling faces at our Christmas program on Thursday night. We feel so blessed to get the opportunity to partner with you in teaching and guiding your child(ren) each and every day. Thank you so much for your donations of desserts, drinks, but most importantly your support. We could do none of this with YOU!  We could see and feel the genuine JOY that comes with sharing such a precious time with family and friends.  We were blessed with some generous monetary donations to help us grow our Spanish Library, if you'd like to contribute but were unable feel free to send it with your child in a sealed and labeled envelope. 

May the JOY of Christmas last far beyond just December. May you be blessed with time to enjoy each moment and remember the birth of our precious Savior Jesus Christ. We wish you each a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Announcements / Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Cultural Field Trip for December: I have been working on organizing a "stay-in" field trip for our class to receive visitors from Bethany Christian Services' Transitional Foster Care program. We will be welcoming them to our classroom for a Christmas posada (party), where we will play games, sing songs, do crafts, and break a piñata together! I am so excited for this opportunity for the kids to play with Spanish-speaking children their own age. There will also be a follow-up activity for families, which I will send home with your child next week. This event is still in the works, but we are planning for Friday, December 13th, from 1:30-2:30pmInterested in helping or in providing some of the supplies we'll need? Please talk to me!

*Christmas Gifts: I am beyond thankful for all of my students and for you, my SI families--you're an amazing group! If you were thinking of giving me a Christmas gift, I would like to suggest that you check out my Amazon wish list, donate books to our classroom, or donate to my Teachers Pay Teachers Class Fund to help me continue to do my best in developing our SI program. ¡Muchas gracias!

*Class Christmas Party: Our class party will be on Thursday, December 19th from 2-3pm. You and your family are invited to come and enjoy a time of celebration with us. In the spirit of celebrating diversity and learning about other cultures, would you consider bringing in a food or drink item that you and your family enjoy? Here is a sign up for these items, as well as a few more things. We will also have a "penny gift exchange"--your child will bring in 14 small gift items, one for each classmate (ideas: pencils, erasers, sticker sheets, SMALL toys, etc. Please no food items!I look forward to this time of fun and fellowship together!

*Cookie Sale: Wow! What an amazing turnout! We made over $600 from our cookie sale, all of which will go to World Vision to help purchase animals for families in need! We'll be working together with Mrs. Bos's class next week to choose the animals we will buy. A HUGE gracias to everyone who helped out making cookies, coming to 

Finally, here's a bit of what we've been up to this week:

Bible / Biblia: We've been studying and practicing the Christmas story and making puppets (títeres) so we can act it out!

Reading / Lectura: This week we studied las sílabas con d: da, de, di, do, du. It's really exciting to see just how many words the students know after only a few months of Spanish Immersion!

Writing / Escritura: We've been continuing to write a few more pattern books, as well as describing our experiences and sharing them with the class.

Math / Matemáticas: We are focusing on teen numbers and how they are made up of groups of ten. We've also been working on addition and subtraction facts!

Reading Tip of the Week
Make reading time fun by having a puppet read to your child, or read with a favorite stuffed animal or while cuddling in a blanket. This is especially fun on cold, gray December days!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Remember that your child's reading skills WILL develop in English, even though there is no English reading instruction in the classroom. Help your child do this by reading a lot at home and engaging your child in conversation!

Enjoy some pictures below, and have a great weekend!

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