Sunday, December 15, 2019

9-13 de diciembre

¡Hola Familias!

What a fantastic week we had! Time is just flying by, and I can't believe we're one week away from Christmas break! Here are some exciting things that happened this week, as well as some important announcements on events coming up:

Cookie Sale: In total, we raised over $800 from our Cookie Sale (on December 5th), all of which was donated to World Vision! On Monday of last week, we met with the other kindergarten class to decide what animals to buy with the money, and we decided on a donkey, a goat, 2 ducks, 3 rabbits, and 4 chickens. The leftover money will go towards an area of greatest need. Thank you again to all of those who donated time, money, or cookies to help us reach this incredible goal!

Christmas Posada: On Friday, we had a beautiful Christmas celebration with some friends from Bethany Christian Services' Transitional Foster Care program. It was a joyful time of playing, making crafts together, and of course, breaking a piñata! In preparing for this event, we also read some books to learn more about where these kids come from. If you would like to continue the conversation with your kids at home, I recommend the books La Frontera, Soñadores, and I'm Like You, You're Like Me(We have all 3 of the books in the classroom and I would be happy to lend them out to you! Soñadores is the only book that is not bilingual.) You also received a Ziplock bag with a book, a blank card, and a green paper with instructions for the follow-up activity (due Friday). I know this is such a busy time of year--thank you for making this activity even more memorable and special for your child!
**Note: Because of the need to protect these children's privacy, we were not able to take or share photos of this event. The photo to the left shows a banner that we decorated with our friends that they took with them back to Bethany.

Thank you! Thank you to all of the parents who helped make the Teacher Christmas Tea so very special. Teachers enjoyed laughing and breaking bread together over a beautiful lunch! If you provided some of the delicious food, we thank you for your generous offering! Please don't forget to retrieve your cleaned up dish if you haven't already!

Upcoming Events:

Class Christmas Party: Join us this Thursday, December 19th from 2:00-3:00pm in our classroom for a celebration together! Here is the signup if you'd like to bring a food or drink item. Also, remember to have your child bring 14 "penny gifts" for his/her classmates on Thursday! (Ideas: erasers, stickers, pencils, bouncy balls, party favors, etc. Please no food items.)

SI Kindergarten Chapel: It's crazy thinking about 2020 already, but our class will be leading chapel on Wednesday, January 8th at 10:35am! We have been practicing for this special event, and each child will have an acting, singing, and/or speaking part. We'd love to have you join us--mark your calendars!

Our Week

Bible: We've been practicing the Christmas story, making puppets, and practicing for our upcoming chapel service.

ReadingWe have been studying the syllables za, ce, ci, zo, zu this week. This sound is similar to the "s" in English with both "z" and "c" letters. Students are doing a great job practicing listening to the sounds in words and writing them!

WritingIn writing, we have been practicing use the possessive adjectives míos, tuyos, and suyos (which means mine, yours, and his/hers). We also used our imaginations to write reactions to some books we read. We always enjoy reading our work to each other after we finish it!

MathThis week we've started hitting hard on sumas and restas, this time written as simple addition and subtraction problems. We also played some Navidad math games and practiced measuring green strips of paper making a Pino de Navidad! 

Reading Tip of the Week
In some of our reading groups, we've worked on developing fluency when we read. Fluency is reading like talking--not too quickly, but also not in a choppy way. When you read to your child, read with lots of expression to model this!

Immersion Tip of the Week
What's your favorite Christmas song or carol? Try to find it and listen to it in Spanish this week. YouTube is a great resource for this!

I think that's all for now... enjoy the rest of your weekend as well as these pictures!

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