Sunday, January 20, 2019

14-18 de enero

¡Hola a todos!

Our January has been so busy, and I can't believe how it has flown by! We had a great week, filled with birthday celebrations, a few reading and math assessments, cold playtimes outside, and of course Friday's desayuno con Maestra! I just loved having the class over to my house. It was exciting for them and a nice way to break our routine, not to mention a delicious start to our day! :) Here is an update on our week and a few important notes for the weeks ahead:

Our Week


We have continued working on our skit of La parábola del sembrador, or the parable of the sower. As a reminder, you are welcome to accompany us this coming Wednesday when we lead our school chapel. The kids are so excited to use the micrófonos and to share all of their Spanish with the school. They brought tears to my eyes the other day when we were practicing the song Rey de Mi Corazón and were just belting it out! Oh, to have the excitement and passion of kindergarten students--it's a great reminder for me every day. :)

In reading this week, we have studied the syllables va, ve, vi, vo, vu--these syllables are similar to the English sound /b/, but a little softer. I am pleased to see the students growing in confidence as they read new books and practice their sight words. As a reminder, I will continue to be assessing your child in high frequency words and reading level for their upcoming report cards. Please, don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions!

This week we've continued talking about pequeños momentos, or small moments, when writing. We have been practicing the time words hoy, ayer, y mañana (today, yesterday, and tomorrow) as we wrote, and the focus this week was ayer. The kids are getting better and better at distinguishing between different times and days and verbalizing their activities. I have really enjoyed seeing them express themselves in writing!

We've been working a lot on teen numbers, especially with the pattern 10 + x (for example, 17 = 10 + 7). It is important for children to recognize a teen number as a group of ten plus some more. We used cards to play a matching game, cubes to build numbers, and played partner games where we hid the part of a number. 

Social Studies
Our theme of "Soy una Persona Especial" continued this week as we talked about how we have a past (un pasado). This tied into our study of time words from writing, and we also included words like el reloj (clock) and el calendario. We talked and wrote about what we were like when we were bebés and how we are different now because we can do so many things. Through this study, I hope that the students will be reminded how God created them to be unique and to have special gifts that they can use to glorify him.

Immersion Tip of the Week
We have been practicing simple addition and subtraction problems in math (mostly with numbers 1-5 and occasionally 1-10). This skill should easily transfer over into English. For fun, use a white board and write out a few problems. Ask your child how to do them--in either English or Spanish!

Reading Tip of the Week
When you are reading to your child this week, spice things up by reading with lots of expression. We have talked about some punctuation marks like puntos (.), signos de exclamación (!), signos de interrogación (?) and comas (,), so exaggerate them when you see them--or ask your child, "What does this symbol mean?"

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Monday, January 21st: NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

*Wednesday, January 23rd: Spanish Immersion Chapel service (10:35am)

*Thursday, January 24th: Discovery Night for Preschool-Kindergarten Families
Do you know a family considering Spanish Immersion for preschool or Kindergarten, or would you like more information for your younger child? Join us on Thursday at 6:00pm to learn more! Childcare is provided.

*Friday, January 25th: Report Cards sent home (Stay tuned for more information!)

*Tuesday, January 29th: Field Trip to see GR Symphony (Lollipop concert)

Whew, I think that's all! Enjoy some pictures below!

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