Friday, January 25, 2019

21-25 de enero

¡Feliz Fin de Semana! Happy Weekend!

Is it really possible that we only had 3 days of school this week? Despite the day off on Monday for MLK Day, a 2-hour delay on Wednesday, and our snow day on Friday, we were so busy! 

We had a couple of special activities we did this week. First, we spent time learning about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his life's work to end la segregación and to promote la igualdad. We watched a video of Dr. Seuss's The Sneetches (en español, of course), in which these silly creatures think they are better than others because they have stars on their bellies. The kids were very quick to identify that this attitude was wrong, and that we should love all people just as Jesus has loved us. We used King's famous speech, Tengo un Sueño, to write about our own dreams to make the world a better place. You can check out our work in the hallway!

And--our chapel service! I can only say, WOW! The kids did such a fantastic job, and I am so immensely proud of them. They were so excited to speak in el micrófono and show what they are learning en español to the rest of the school and to our community. Gracias to those who were able to make it, and if you didn't, be sure to check out our pictures below! 

Here's a quick update on what we've been working on this week:

Our Week

Bible: After finishing our chapel preparation, now we will go back to Moisés and his travels with los israelitas in el desierto! Stay tuned for more next week...

Reading: We're working on the sound /k/, which is produced with the letters c, k, and q(u) in Spanish. Since some of these combinations and syllables are tricky, we will repeat this focus again next week.

Writing: We have been continuing to practice writing about events from hoy (today) or ayer (yesterday). We've also focused on los verbos in their different forms, which is a unique component of the Spanish language. In the picture to the left, we are walking in a circle admiring each other's writing and practicing saying what our classmates did well.

Math: Our focus has continued to be los números del 11-20 (teen numbers). We worked on grouping objects into a 10 and then some more--for example, 14 is 10 + 4. We used lots of different objects to do this, like cubes, buttons, and counters.

Social Studies: This week we talked about how la amistad (friendship) and how we can be good friends, include others, and resolve conflicts. 

Report Cards

Just a note that your child's report card will go home next week. Please look it over and, as always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You will see that your child has received a number from 1-3 in each area. A 3 means that your child is generally proficient (which is the goal for the end of the year in Kindergarten). A 2 means that your child is progressing towards proficiency (you may see many 2's at this point in the year). A 1 means that your child needs some work on that area, and you may consider reinforcing the concept at home. Please, let me know if you have questions on how you can further support your child's development!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Your child brought home some writing samples this week. Ask your child to read one or two to you and to talk about what he/she wrote and drew. I hope you will be impressed with how far your child has come in the area of writing!

Reading Tip of the Week
You already know that reading to your child is critically important, but did you also know that talking to your child is just as important? When we engage in conversation, we model language, taking turns, eye contact, listening behaviors, comprehension, and good manners. Take some time to talk to your child this weekend. Ask about his/her favorite activities in school, games to play on the playground, or just play together!

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Monday, January 28th: Día de Peluches! Your child may bring 1-2 stuffed animals/dolls to spend the day at school. We'll do some fun activities with our "stuffies"!

*Tuesday, January 29th: Field Trip to Grand Rapids Symphony performance at Hudsonville Fine Arts Auditorium. We will leave by 8:50am, so please arrive early that day!

*Monday, February 18th: No School: Presidents' Day

*Week of February 19-22: Makers' Week: More details to come!

Enjoy your snowy weekends! ¡Hasta el lunes!

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