Sunday, April 21, 2019

15-19 de abril

¡Feliz Día de la Resurrección! (Happy Easter!)

What beautiful weather we are blessed with today--nothing like last week's January-like storm! Seeing the flowers bloom and the leaves starting to come out on the trees reminds us of the new life that we, too, have in Christ! Death could not hold him--he is risen! ¡Cristo Vive!

We had a wonderful week, highlighted with a wonderful visit from author Crystal Bowman, a great concert at Holland Language Academy with 123Andrés, and a lot of opportunities to talk about and remember Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross. I hope you had a chance to see your child's book and huevos de la resurrección (Resurrection Eggs). It is powerful to hear little ones tell about the story of Jesus' last week on earth from their perspective. 

Our Week

Bible: As mentioned above, we spent our Bible time this week studying la Semana Santa, or Holy Week. Talking about 2-3 items inside each huevo each day helped the children tie together the story of the Resurrection, and at the end they enjoyed telling the story to each other. We also really enjoyed singing this song every day (the video is actually from the church we attended in South Texas!). 

Reading: In Reading class, we studied the letter "g" (pronounced a little like the word "hey") and its 2 sounds--ga, go, gu (sounds like /g/) and ge, gi (sounds like a hard /h/ sound). We sorted words, wrote and worked with stamps and magnets to practice the different sounds.

Writing: This week, we revisited our small moment writing. We practiced thinking about a certain time, place, and event that we could write about adding details. It has been exciting to see how much progress each student has made in writing! We also enjoy sharing time, where we read our work to each other and offer encouragement.

Math: In math this week, we have been playing games and doing other activities to reinforce the concepts we have learned. We especially enjoyed playing math bingo with sumas y restas (addition and subtraction).

Science: In ciencias, we have been talking about la tierra (the Earth) and las plantas. This week, we learned about las semillas (seeds) and what they need to grow. We did a few experiments planting seeds in sand, soil, and rocks, and we will be watching to see which one grows! We also put bean seeds in moist plastic bags in the windows, and we'll see how much they grow too!

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*April 22-May 3: Swimming lessons at Holland Community Aquatic Center. Our lessons will take place from 10:15-10:45am every day. You are welcome to join us at the Aquatic Center to observe the lessons from the bleachers. A few notes:
-Bathing suits will be provided (no need to send one!)
-Please make sure girls' hair is tied back in a ponytail or braid every day\
-Here is a video about what to expect in swim lessons. We watched it Friday in class, but feel free to show it to your child again!
-Please make sure your child is on time to school every day (8:15). We will be starting instruction earlier to make up for the time we will be missing. Gracias! 

*Friday, April 26th: Noche de Película/Movie Night at Maestra's house! Drop off your child at 6:00 and pick him/her up at 8:30. We will eat pizza and watch the movie Río! 

*Friday, May 3rd and Saturday, May 4th: LAUP Fiesta! at the Westshore Mall parking lot. We will have a table for Rose Park Spanish Immersion, and some classmates will be performing baile folklórico (both on Saturday)! Enjoy great music, food, and family fun!

*Wednesday, May 8th and Thursday, May 9th: Half Days for Tulip Time

 I hope you have a wonderful rest of the day with your family! Enjoy some fotos below:

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