Friday, April 12, 2019

8-12 de abril

¡Hola Familias!

Welcome back from spring break! We had a fantastic week together, playing games, exploring, and enjoying some nice spring weather (and a little bit of snow too!). A friend from Costa Rica visited our classroom on Wednesday and we got to try gallo pinto, which is a typical dish (usually eaten for breakfast) made of rice and black beans. We loved learning about a new country and culture!

We also had a great field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center on Thursday, although it was a little chilly! The kids enjoyed seeing some live animals up close, including a snake (una serpiente), a tree frog (una rana), and an owl (un búho)! 

Here are some other updates on our week:

Our Week

Bible: In Bible, we have been talking about Jesus's last week on Earth. We started with Palm Sunday (el domingo de ramos) and worked our way to la crucifixión. It has been powerful to talk about these important moments in Jesus's life, and the children are excited to learn, read, and sing songs about him. I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to teach these little ones about how Jesus died for us, and just how great his love is!

Reading: This week we reviewed the letter C, which makes the sound /c/ as well as the soft /s/ sound with the vowels E and I (similar to in English). The kids have done a great job listening to sounds and writing them. Continue practicing reading at home with your child's books, and don't forget to ask questions!

Writing: For the next few weeks, we will be reviewing pequeños momentos, or small moments. We talked about how writers need to choose one small moment to write about instead of one huge idea. The kids practiced doing this by writing about their spring break as well as the field trip on Thursday.

Math: In matemáticas, we have continued to practice forming teen numbers as a 10 plus some more. We have also worked on building fluency with las partes de diez, or parts of 10. Have your child break 10 items into 2 parts and explain what parts he/she chose. 

Science: Our new unit in ciencias is Nuestra Tierra, or Our Earth. We have been exploring maps and globes and learned that Earth has more water (agua) than land (tierra). Then, we explored some different things we find on the land--soil (tierra), pebbles (piedras), and sand (arena). It was fun to look at these items closely and explore them using our five senses!

Immersion Tip of the Week

We've had quite a few opportunities to explore some new and different Spanish-speaking cultures in class over the past few weeks, thanks to many of you parents! How else can you help bridge the "culture gap" for your child? I encourage you to try a new dish, visit a restaurant or another place, watch a video, or listen to music that will help your child continue to explore different cultures.

Reading Tip of the Week

After reading a book, ask your child to sequence a few events. For example, ask: "What happened first--did Clifford look for his bone under his bed or in the tree?" Sequencing is an important skill that goes hand-in-hand with reading comprehension.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Friday, April 19th: Field trip to Holland Language Academy to see 123Andrés, a Latin Grammy-winning performer! You may also see him perform a concert at the Herrick District Library the following Saturday, April 20th, at 11am!

*April 22nd-May 3rd: Swimming lessons at the Holland Aquatic Center every day from 10:15-10:45am. You do NOT need to send a bathing suit; the HAC will provide them for all students! You are welcome to come and watch your child during his/her lessons.

*Friday, April 26th: Noche de Película/Movie Night at Maestra's house! Drop off your child at 6:00 and pick up at 8:30. We will eat pizza and watch the movie Río.

I think that's all for now! Hope you have a great weekend, and we'll see you again on Monday! ¡Hasta el lunes!

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