Friday, August 23, 2019

20-23 de agosto

¡Hola Familias!

What an amazing first week of school we had together! The kids have done a wonderful job getting adjusted to our daily routines in kindergarten, and they are quickly picking up lots of new vocabulary! Remember, their brains are on overload right now, so make sure you allow for lots of down time, spend time as a family, and get back into a routine for early bedtimes. :)

Here is a quick summary of what we've been up to in the classroom...

Bible: We talked about how la biblia is the book that talks about Jesús and Dios. We started learning about la creación and are working on a creation book.

Reading: We learned about the letters A, B, and C, practiced writing them, and sorted objects based on their initial sounds. (FYI, the letter "a" in Spanish is pronounced like the word "ahhh". B and C make the same sounds as in English!)

Writing: We practiced our daily writing routine by thinking of something we like (me gusta) and writing about it. We also shared some of our drawings and writing with the class.

Math: We sang songs to learn and practice numbers 1-10, and we are working on our handwriting for numbers 1 (uno) and 2 (dos). 

We also had lots of fun playing games, doing crafts with our names, and getting to know each other!

Immersion Tip of the Week

I had the pleasure of talking with many of you during Parent night this past Thursday, and I mentioned that you shouldn't worry if your child comes home saying that he/she learned nothing or didn't understand what was going on. This is VERY normal! Children this age often aren't able to process or verbalize what they are learning, but their little brains are busy making TONS of connections! Expect your child to be exhausted over the next few weeks, so make sure he/she is getting lots of rest! Above all, keep being a cheerleader for your child!

Reading Tip of the Week

When reading aloud to your child, "track" with your finger under the words as you read. This helps build print awareness and reinforces the concept that we read from right to left. This is an example of the "common underlying proficiency" (see #2 in link), a theory stating that skills learned in one language naturally transfer to the second.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Wednesday, August 28th: All-school convocation at the High School. We will leave Rose Park on the bus promptly at 8:30am, so please be on time! You are welcome to join us at the high school for the ceremony--it should last about half an hour.

Enjoy some pictures below!

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