Friday, September 20, 2019

16-20 de septiembre

¡Hola Familias!

Is summer here to stay forever? It sure seems like that now, but in a few months, I'm sure we'll forget about how how and sticky we were! ;)

We finished up another great week today. I continue to be proud of the kids for constantly building more vocabulary as we practice, practice, practice our daily routines and procedures. This week we've focused on the phrases "yo también" (me too) and "yo tengo" (I have). It's fun to hear the kids spontaneously use language more and more.

A few highlights from our week were our Celebración de Independencia (pictured above) and reading with our buddies for the first time! Find lots of photos of both activities below!

Here's a summary of other things we've been up to this week:

Bible: We learned about Abraham y Sarah and started acting out and learning about Esaú y Jacob. Through these stories, we've learned how God keeps his promises, and how even though we sometimes make bad choices, he still loves us and forgives us!

Reading: This week we've studied the vowel U. We've also learned the letters P, Q, R, S, and T. Our daily activities for each letter include: (1) learning a song about the letter; (2) practicing vocabulary words beginning with that letter; (3) sorting words with and without the letter sound; and (4) writing the letter. We're almost done with the alphabet--whew! We've also practiced the words un/una and unos/unas this week, which are used for singular and plural nouns.

Writing: We've continued to learn about mi cuerpo (my body) while we practice our writing routines. We're practicing how we think about what to write and s-t-r-e-t-c-h out words so we can hear and write the sounds.

Math: This week in math we took our MAP tests, as well as practiced our numbers, colors, and shapes on the iPads (we're using an app called Spanish School Bus, which is lots of fun!)! We also drew more scenes of numbers as well as practiced counting objects.

Science: We finished the sense of hearing this week and started learning about la lengua (the tongue) which we use para saborear (to taste). We did a fun taste test to learn words dulce (sweet), salado (salty), amargo (bitter) and agrio (sour). Items we tasted included limes, pretzels, strawberries, kale, and black coffee (the kids got a kick out of that one!). 

Immersion Tip of the Week
You may be wondering about the yellow "sorting" pages your child brings home every week (usually we do them on Thursdays). As part of the add.a.lingua curriculum, we highlight second-language-specific points that are not the same in English. We build on those skills each week and touch on them in all subject areas so they are taught in context--one of the most crucial ways to teach a language.

Reading Tip of the Week
Using a favorite picture book (i.e. any book with pictures), have your child "read" you the story by telling you what happens. Ask questions like, "What's happening here?" "How does (character) feel? How can you tell?" Retelling a story helps your child build his/her oral language skills.

Announcements/Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Monday, September 23rd: Field Trip to Holland State Park to pick up trash. If you would like to volunteer to chaperone, we can take one more person!

*Wednesday, September 25th: Walk-A-Thon! We will walk as a class from 1-2:15 at the HCHS track. Feel free to join and cheer us on!

*Friday, September 27th: NO SCHOOL: Staff development 

*Monday, September 30th: Field Trip to Crane's 

That's all for now, amigos! Enjoy your weekends and see you on Monday!

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