Friday, September 6, 2019

3-6 de septiembre

¡Hola Familias!

We had another great week of fun, playing, and learning together! Here is a brief update on what we've been learning:

Bible: We finished "Mi Libro de la Creación", which your child took home on Wednesday. We also started learning about Adán y Eva and how they brought sin into the world. We are so thankful that Jesús paid the price for all our sins!

Reading: This week we learned the letters H, I, J, and K. We also practiced differentiating between un lugar (a place) and una persona.

Writing: We continued to write about our familias this week, adding more words to our vocabulary as we worked to strengthen our stamina and our writing and sharing routines.

Math: This week we finished up our number poems with 7, 8, 9, and 0. We also played some math games. Next week we'll start using our math workbooks, so you'll see some of the pages starting to come home with your child!

Science: We started our unit about Mis 5 Sentidos (My 5 Senses) by learning about how we use our manos (hands) to tocar (touch). We learned lots of great vocabulary while exploring mystery objects!

Immersion Tip of the Week
One reason we don't use translation in a Spanish Immersion class is because we want the students to make immediate connections between the action, object, or concept to the Spanish word. If we translate into English, they pay less attention to the Spanish word and just wait for the translation. In the coming weeks, we'll be practicing an important skill called circumlocution in which the students learn how to describe unknown words using vocabulary they already know. 

Reading Tip of the Week
When reading a book this week, try to think of words that rhyme with words in the book. For example, "This word says 'house'. What words rhyme with house? Can you think of any?" This kind of activity will increase your child's phonemic awareness, a critical skill for reading in any language!

Announcements / Upcoming Dates to Remember

Homecoming Football Game: I'm looking forward to seeing you this coming Friday, September 13th, at our Preschool & Kindergarten Homecoming Night! The activities are from 5-7pm and the football game begins at 7:00. Come and enjoy games, fellowship, and free dinner! Please RSVP to me if you would like free tickets for your family!

Celebración de IndependenciaSeptember 16th is Independence Day in Mexico! Many other Spanish-speaking countries also celebrate their independence days in September, including Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, and Chile. To celebrate this event, the Spanish Immersion first grade, kindergarten, and preschool 4’s classes would like to invite you to a Celebración de Independencia! After dropping your child off on Monday, September 16th, please join parents in the library for some authentic refreshments. Then, at 8:45, gather with other students in the Intersection for a short presentation given by the Spanish Immersion students. Come and enjoy the colors, flavors, music, and dancing of Latinoamérica! 

Grandparents DayOur Rose Park community would like to celebrate ALL of our children and ALL of our families/friends, preschool through sixth grade. We would like to invite our preschool grandparents/friends to celebrate and participate with our entire Rose Park community this upcoming Grandparents/friends Day. This is a new format for us and we're excited about the program with children, preschool through sixth grade worshipping and singing together. Your child's grandparents/friends are invited to our program on October 3 for the program in the gym at 9:30. Following the program, children will host their grandparents/friends in classrooms in an open house format from 10:15-11:15. During this time, children will be prepared to lead their grandparent/friend through activities for as long as they are able to stay. We hope this format accommodates both grandparents who have multiple children to visit by popping in for a bit as well as grandparents/friends who have one child to visit with. More details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Update: Parent/teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-8:00 on October 21 and 22. Sign up notification will be forthcoming. October 23 is a half-day of school. We will NOT hold parent/teacher conferences on the 23rd.

That's all for now! Here are some more pictures from our week:

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