Friday, August 7, 2020

Back to School! Regreso a Clases!

 ¡Hola Familias!

I am SO excited for your child to be in Spanish Immersion Kindergarten with me this year! I have LOTS of information coming your way as we prepare for this very different school year. 

Back to School Night: Thursday, August 20, 5:00-7:00pm

For safety reasons, we will NOT be holding our regular ice cream social this year. (I did stock up on lots of ice cream at home though :). ) However, you and your family are invited to come on the evening of August 20th to come meet me, visit our classroom, drop off your supplies, and ask any questions you may have about the school year. 

We are limiting group sizes to 4 families at a time, for 15-minute increments. Please sign up here for a time to arrive between 5 and 7pm. I can't wait to meet you and your child!

I have also prepared a video for you to watch with some information about me and about our school year. It is embedded below, or you can open it up in a new page here. I'd love for you to watch it before August 20th in case I've already answered some of your questions in the video.

School Supplies

If you have not bought your child's school supplies, here is the link. Please bring your child's school supplies on the evening of August 20th! Also, I am asking each parent to help me prepare their child's individual supplies as sharing will be limited this year. Please do the following:

    -Prepare your child's pencil box with 5 sharpened pencils, 3 glue sticks, one pack of markers, one set of crayons, and your child's scissors.

    -Please put all other supplies (except your child's headphones and 2-pocket folder) into a large Ziplock bag labeled with your child's name. 

If you're a visual person, here's a picture:

Parent Help Needed!

Due to our current circumstances, I have been hard at work creating supplies for each individual child in our classroom to use. I have a few projects that I would love some help on, if you're looking for a project in the next week or so! :) If you would like to help me with a project, please email me and I will set you up with the materials! I can arrange for you to pick up materials at school, or I will gladly drop them by your house. ¡Muchas gracias!

Other Questions?

I know you may have other questions or concerns, and I'm happy to talk with you more--just reach out. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, August 20th, and to our school year together!

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