Sunday, August 23, 2020

It's Tomorrow! ¡Es Mañana!

 ¡Hola Familias!

Can you believe tomorrow is your child's first day of kindergarten?!

I'm so excited! To be honest, the only thing I am NOT looking forward to is getting used to waking up early again, and waking my kids up early (they are NOT early risers!).

I know there has been a whirlwind of information coming your way, so I wanted to put it all in one place so that you could reference it as needed.

Drop-off / Pick-up

As you probably already know, we are unfortunately not able to let parents into the school building at this point. You may drop your child off at the front doors of the school between 8:00 and 8:15. I will be meeting your child to escort him/her to our classroom, while another teacher will stay in my room with the kids who have already arrived.

Pick-up will proceed as normal at 3:15. You may either stay in your vehicles and join the pick-up line (hazards on while you're waiting for your child) OR you may park and get out to wait by door B (the one by the small gym). If you do get out, please make sure you (and anyone with you) are wearing a mask. Thank you for your understanding!

Checklist for School

Here is a list of everything your child should have in his/her backpack for school:

-Lunch (if bringing home lunch)

-2 snacks (for tomorrow, only one is needed... we'll have popsicles as a surprise in the afternoon!)

-A paint shirt for art class (I'll collect them and keep them in our art bags!)

-Their take-home folder (unless it was left in your child's desk last Thursday, which is perfect!)

-A change of clothes in a labeled Ziplock bag (this will stay in your child's locker just in case!)

-A beach towel to use for outdoor learning (this can stay in your child's backpack and be used as needed; feel free to launder and replace as necessary)

-Your child's mask (it should be work into school, then we will store them for the day until dismissal)

-Any other supplies that might be missing (headphones, pencil box, etc) if they were not dropped off on Thursday evening

For Your Reference

If you have not filled out this form yet, please take a couple of minutes to do so.

Here is another link to the FAQ's packet that I emailed and provided at Back to School Night.

I think that's all for now! Have a restful evening and see you bright and early tomorrow morning!

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