Friday, September 18, 2020

14-18 de septiembre

 ¡Hola Familias!

We've had another beautiful and amazing week of school! One highlight of our week was our Celebración de Independencia on Wednesday, September 16th! We dressed up in typical costumes from Spanish-speaking countries, held a parade with the other immersion classes, learned about some countries celebrating their independence, watched some folkloric dancing, and gave a grito--which is a shout for independence! See the video below, as well as more pictures at the end of the blog post, for some of the highlights! 

Here's what else we've been doing this week...

Reading / Lectura: We've practiced the letters L, M, N, Ñ, and O this week. Our vowel focus was the letter O as well, and we also practiced sorting words in Spanish by their definite article ("the") el or la

Writing / Escritura: This week we continued focusing on family vocabulary and presenting our work to each other in Spanish. We also have been practicing stretching out words to hear and write each sound, for example: "mamá: mmmm-aaaa-mmmm-aaaa." It's fun to see the kids starting to sound out words on their own! 

Math / Matemáticas
: This week we finished up our number poems with 0 (cero). We have also been practicing our math routines, such as showing numbers on our fingers, counting to 10 and beyond, and practicing writing numbers.

Bible / Biblia: We learned about Noé (Noah) this week and God's promise by sending the arco iris (rainbow). After the flood. The kids had fun making puppets to act out this story and making a rainbow craft that you can see in our window.

Science / Ciencias: This week we finished exploring with our sense of touch, using las manos. We learned the vocabulary words for caliente/frío (hot/cold) and duro/suave (hard/soft). We've been practicing using these words during lunchtime and throughout the day! 

Immersion Tip of the Week
Singing is a powerful way to learn a language! I'm sure you have probably heard your child singing songs in Spanish at home (we do a lot of that!). Ask your child if he/she remembers the song for "can you open this please?", the song for getting in line ("silencio"), or the song for washing their hands ("el agua y el jabón"). 

*If you haven't seen it already, check out our Spanish Language Resources page with info about songs that I use a lot in class, in case you're interested in downloading them and playing them at home...on repeat...over...and...over. :)

Reading Tip of the Week
Play a game with your child by segmenting words. Try something like this: "Base - ball. What does that say?" (baseball) Continue with compound words, such as snowman, football, bookcase, etc. Then, break down words into syllables, for example: "ta - ble". Finally, you can do sounds in the words, like "c - a - t". You can do this while running errands together, while driving somewhere in the car, while getting ready for bed, or really anytime!


Thank you for turning in your pledge forms! The Kindergarten teachers are working to plan a fun mini-Walkathon with the kids next week! We will have lots of fun!


A quick word about snacks... please make sure you send only two healthy snacks for your child each day. We have one snack in the morning and one in the afternoon. Please do not send candy (unless it is a dessert for after eating home lunch). Also, there is no need to send more snacks if your child is having school lunch. I ONLY allow them to choose one thing to eat during snack time due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding!

Classroom Supplies Needed!

I am in need of some classroom supplies! Would you consider donating any of the following items for use in our classroom? ¡Muchas gracias!

-Boxes of forks and spoons (we often need them during lunchtime)

-Medium-sized cups (for kids who forget their water bottles)

-Empty, clean egg cartons

-Toilet paper / paper towel tubes

-Boxes of tissues

-Packs of clothespins

-Bags of multicolored, small-sized pom poms

I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy some pictures from this week below.


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