Friday, September 11, 2020

8-11 de septiembre

¡Hola Familias!

packed a lot of punch into this 4-day week! This week we've been practicing using more phrases in Spanish, such as "¿Puedo ir afuera?" (Can I go outside?) and "¡Ya terminé!" (I'm finished!). It's exciting to hear the kids catching on quickly and gaining more confidence.

Here's what else we've been up to this week...

Reading / Lectura: We've been practicing identifying, producing, and writing the letters G, H, I, and J. Additionally, we've been focusing on the vowel A and identifying it in both mayúscula (uppercase) and minúscula (lowercase) forms. Finally, we've been studying los sustantivos, or nouns, and distinguishing between persona y lugar (person and place).

Writing / Escritura: This week our writing has been focused on la familia--la mamá, el papá, el hermano (brother), la hermana (sister), el bebé, and los abuelos (grandparents). We've also been building our writing stamina and are able to sit quietly and write for longer periods at a time.

Math / Matemáticas: We've been practicing writing the numbers 6, 7, 8, and 9. We've continued playing games to identify, practice, and compare numbers!

Bible / Biblia: This week we wrapped up the Creation story and learned how God rested (descansó) on the 7th day, and how it is good to rest when we work hard! Then, we learned about Adán y Eva, la serpiente, and how sin (el pecado) was brought into the world. Even though this is a sad story, we can be filled with hope that many years later, Jesús came to rescue us from our sins!

Science / Ciencias: This week we've started our unit on Los Cinco Sentidos, or the 5 senses. We've been learning a song about the senses as well as practicing using las manos para tocar (our hands to touch). We felt and identified mystery objects and practiced drawing different objects that we can touch! More to come next week.

Immersion Tip of the Week
One reason we don't use translation in a Spanish Immersion class is because we want the students to make immediate connections between the action, object, or concept to the Spanish word. If we translate into English, they pay less attention to the Spanish word and just wait for the translation. In the coming weeks, we'll be practicing an important skill called circumlocution in which the students learn how to describe unknown words using vocabulary they already know. 

Reading Tip of the Week
When reading a book this week, try to think of words that rhyme with words in the book. For example, "This word says 'house'. What words rhyme with house? Can you think of any?" This kind of activity will increase your child's phonemic awareness, a critical skill for reading in any language!

Walk-A-Thon Packets

Reminder that Walk-A-Thon packets are due this coming Monday, September 14th! Thank you to those who have turned them in already. More info to come on our class Walk-A-Thon!

Picture Day

Picture day is coming up on Wednesday, September 16th at 10:00am. Please make sure to send in your picture form by that day!

Scholastic Flyers

I've sent home 2 sets of different flyers (one went home today) so you can get an idea of the variety of English and Spanish texts that are available. Please make sure to complete your online order using class code TRHVL by Friday, September 18th! 

That's all for this week. See more pictures below and enjoy the beautiful weekend! 

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