Friday, January 22, 2021

19-22 de enero

 ¡Hola Familias!

We are wrapping up a short, yet jam-packed week in Kindergarten! I hope you enjoyed the day off on Monday and were able to remember the legacy that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. left with us. This week we did more activities to learn about his story, his dream, and how we can practice fairness, justice, and equality in our daily lives at school. 

Here's what else we've been doing this week!

Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables que and qui. That's right--there are only 2 syllables with the letter "q" in Spanish! We also reviewed similar-sounding syllables with "k" and "c". Finally, we practiced conjugating verbs into different forms, including yo (I),  (you--informal), and él (he), ella (she), and usted (you--formal). 

Writing / Escritura: Continuing our how-to, or instructivo, unit, we learned how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches this week! We learned new vocabulary words including unta (spread) and junta (put together). It was a fun and delicious activity!

Math / Matemáticas: This week we took our MAP growth tests during math time. I have been impressed with the growth I have seen in the kids! We also started using new math centers, practiced forming and counting numbers from 11-20, and worked on recognizing 5-groups within numbers.

Bible / Biblia
: In Bible this week we finished our study of Eliseo (Elishah) and how he helped share God's love with others, including Naamán. We also learned about the boy king Josías as well as Estér, a brave queen who defended her people.

Science / Ciencias: This week we continued to practice using force and motion, emoujando y jalando (pushing and pulling) different toys and objects in the classroom in different ways. 

Report Cards

Your child's semester 1 report card went home on Wednesday this week in a sealed envelope. Please look it over and reach out to me if you have any questions. :)

100th Day of School

WOW! We've almost made it to our 100th day of school--IN PERSON! I am so incredibly thankful for this gift, both as a teacher and as a parent. :) We will be celebrating our 100th day of school this coming Friday, January 29th. Would you be willing to help us make a 100-piece snack mix? Check out our signup here.

We will also use the 100th day of school as an opportunity to practice the Spanish verb form for Usted, which is the formal "you" (e.g., when speaking to a teacher, a grandparent, or another person to whom you want to show respect). To practice this, we're going to dress up as if we are 100 years old on Friday!

Immersion Tip of the Week
We have been practicing simple addition and subtraction problems in math (mostly with numbers 1-5 and occasionally 1-10). This skill should easily transfer over into English. For fun, use a white board and write out a few problems. Ask your child how to do them--in either English or Spanish!

Reading Tip of the Week
When you are reading to your child this week, spice things up by reading with lots of expression. We have talked about some punctuation marks like puntos (.), signos de exclamación (!), signos de interrogación (?) and comas (,), so exaggerate them when you see them--or ask your child, "What does this symbol mean?"

Have a great weekend!

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