Friday, January 29, 2021

25-29 de enero

 ¡Hola Familias!

Wow--100 days of school! Can you believe it?! I have to admit, if you had told me at the beginning of the school year that we'd make it to 100 days in person, I might not have believed you. What an incredible blessing it is to be learning in person together! 

We had a very special day today--first, we had a special guest teacher named Doña Raquel come visit our class. You may recognize her in the photo below. ;) She helped the kids practice the verb form Usted, which is used for older people and in more formal situations. It was a lot of fun, and she gave Maestra K-L a very good report! During our day we also made a 100-piece snack mix, read 100 words together, made certificates, and counted to 100 by 1s and 10s on our field trip to Pigeon Creek! We also enjoyed the sunshine while we played in the woods!

Here's what else we've been working on...

Reading / Lectura: Our syllables of the week were ra, re, ri, ro, ru. We already know LOTS of vocabulary words and are champs at finding the syllables all over the classroom! Additionally, we practiced classifying verbs into the yo (I), (you), and nosotros (we) forms.

Writing / Escritura: This week we have continued to work on instructivos, or how-to writing. We enjoyed some chocolate caliente con bonbones (hot chocolate with marshmallows) and practiced writing the steps!

Math / Matemáticas: Obviously, we did lots of work counting from 1-100 this week, both by 10s and by 1s. We also practiced recognizing teen equations and finding the missing part of a number (example: 7 = 3 + ?). 

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned how the israelitas were taken captive to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. Even though these were dark times for Israel, God was always with them. We also learned about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who stood up for their faith even when standing alone. What powerful lessons we can take away from God's word!

Science / Ciencias: We continued our study of pushing and pulling by writing and drawing pictures of both actions.


Families, please be sure your child has PE shoes on gym days. Boots are not as speedy and kids can't jump as high as they like when they're weighted down with big winter boots (it also creates quite a mess on the floor 😜)

Speaking of clothing....pants! We need pants! Our students have been in need of dry pants at various points throughout the day. We love to take them into our supply room for a nice, dry pants choice! Mrs. Chase, Mrs. Pereira and Mrs. Rynsburger have emptied out their stash of clothing from home. If you happen to have any old children's pants that still have life in them, we'd be so appreciative to take them off your hands! They'll be put to great use in our supply room! 

Wacky Wednesdays are Back!

Don't forget that this Wednesday, February 3rd, is Wacky Hair Day! This is always a popular one in my house! Can't wait to see the wackiness. :)

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone, and enjoy the sunshine today!

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