Friday, April 23, 2021

19-23 de abril

 ¡Hola Familias!

Here we are, wrapping up another great week! This week we had a couple of special activities, including a lesson on body safety from the Children's Advocacy Center and a celebration of Earth Day--el día de la Tierra (yes, one day late!). Here is more about what we've been learning:

Reading / Lectura: We learned about the letter "ch" (pronounced "chay") and the syllables cha, che, chi, cho, chu this week. It is exciting to me to see how many words students can produce on their own--their vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds! We've also been learning to distinguish between questions (preguntas) and declarative sentences (declaraciones). 

Writing / Escritura: This week we have continued learning about nonfiction writing. We planned out a topic for our nonfiction book, wrote and revised our books, and shared them with the class. Next week we will continue this project by learning how to do research! 

Math / Matemáticas: We have been practicing writing and counting from 1-100, telling and solving number stories, and finding the parts of 10 and of teen numbers. 

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned about more of Jesus' miracles (milagros). We read about how He healed sick people, how He raised Jairus's daughter back to life, how he fed the five thousand, and how He walked on water. Our God is so powerful! We did some fun crafts and activities to learn about these miracles too. :)

Science / Ciencias: We spent this week learning about los seres vivos, or living things. We talked about what characteristics ALL living things have in common (e.g. they breathe, they grow, they change) and compared them with nonliving things. More to come on this next week!

Reading Tip of the Week

Establish a "family reading time" at the end of the day to wind down, spend time together, and read. Is there a series that you can get into as a family? Some of my kids' favorite series are Magic Tree House, Hombre Perro (Dog Man), The Berenstain Bears, and American Girl books (for slightly older kids).

Immersion Tip of the Week

Are you interested in giving your child more opportunities to practice Spanish this summer? Here is a great camp opportunity, taught by a former HC teacher and parent of an immersion student!

Plant Sale!
  On Friday morning, May 7, the 4th graders (in conjunction with the HCHS life skills students), will be hosting a plant sale at Rose Park near the front entrance.  Please plan to purchase your tomato, pepper, and herb plants then!  Nutrient rich worm castings, created right at Rose Park, will also be available as fertilizer.  Spread the word - watch for more details to come!

Library notice:

The week of May 3-7 (Tulip Time week!) is the last week for students to borrow books from Rose Park Library. Please make sure your child begins to turn in all his/her library materials!

That's it! Here are more photos from our fun, busy week.

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