Thursday, April 1, 2021

29 de marzo - 1 de abril

 ¡Hola Familias!

Happy Spring Break! Happy Easter! ¡Cristo Vive! It was a busy and full week. I truly enjoyed being able to spend time with you during conferences and talk about how much your child has grown this year. 

This week we had a great time celebrating reaching our español goal by having a popcorn and movie party! Here are a few more quick notes about our past week...

Lectura / Reading: This week we reviewed syllables with the letter X. We have finished the whole alphabet--can you believe it?! We've also been working on singular and plural verb forms es and son (the verb "be").

Escritura / Writing: This week we finished our semilla, or seed, stories, in which we wrote about small moments. We enjoyed sharing these with our classmates!

Matemáticas / Math: We are preparing to begin our last math unit, which will be a review of everything we've learned so far this year. 

Biblia / Bible
: We finished our huevos de la resurrección (Resurrection Eggs) project. The pictures inside each egg helped the kids understand and retell Jesus' last week on Earth, as well as His death and resurrection. Although the story has sad moments, we rejoice knowing that Jesus is alive! We are thankful for the incredible gift of life that He has given us!

Spring Break Challenge

Yesterday you should have received a packet with a green first page. As with Christmas break, I'm sending an optional (but encouraged!) challenge for the students to complete each day of break (only 5 days total). Keep up the reading and math and win a prize when we come back to school!

Have a wonderful, relaxing, and fun Spring Break! See below for a super fun (and yes, very sugary!) snack that we made to remember la tumba vacía (the empty tomb)!

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