¡Hola Familias!
We're really on the home stretch! Can you believe it?! This week we wrapped up some of our units and projects, had time to play indoors and out, had a wonderful kindergarten celebration and field day on Thursday, and an ice cream celebration on Friday for reaching our Spanish goal! Here's some more news from our busy week...
Reading / Lectura: We have been wrapping up our literacy centers and I've been completing running records with each student. I'm pleased to see so much growth in reading this year! We've also been reviewing when to use the Spanish articles el and la (both mean "the" for masculine and feminine nouns).
Writing / Escritura: This week we have been continuing our opinion writing by comparing books. First, we compared two books we read together as a class and wrote about which one was our favorite. Then, we compared books from our book boxes and shared our favorite books with a friend.Math / Matemáticas: We finished our end-of unit assessments this week and did some review and experimenting with length/weight, 2- and 3-dimensional shapes, and also had fun cutting and squeezing shapes with play-doh!
Bible / Biblia: We are concluding our unit on Jesus' miracles and parables. This week we learned about the parable of el hilo pródigo (the prodigal son) and how God welcomes us back even after we sin. In the parable of el sembrador y las semillas (the sower and the seeds), we talked about how our hearts should be like the good soil. These stories are wonderful reminders of God's love for us!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Keep your child in "Spanish mode" this summer by checking out some local summer offerings! Here is a list for you!
Reading Tip of the Week / Summer Read Program
What could be better than helping your child keep up his/her reading, speaking Spanish, AND seeing friends over the summer?! The SI Team at Rose Park is pleased to offer the summer read program for you to meet up with us over the summer on Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm at Kollen Park! Please see the signup here for more information and to sign your child up to come one Tuesday, a few Tuesdays, or every week throughout the summer! It is also a great opportunity to get to know other SI families, since this year has been very different and we haven't been able to get together. Can't wait to see you there!
Book Bag Books
If your child is finished with any paper books (the kind that they take home in their book bags), would you mind sending them back to school this coming week? I'd love to recycle them and use for our Summer Read or next year. Don't worry if the book is written in or used--send it back anyways! If your child is still reading his/her books regularly, please feel free to keep them!
Last Dates
Monday, May 31st: Memorial Day (No school)
Tuesday, June 1st: Field Trip to Pigeon Creek (rescheduled from Friday)
Friday, June 4th: Last Day of School! Please note that it will be a half day (dismissal at 11:30am).
We're almost there--I can't believe it! Enjoy some photos below from our fun week.