Friday, May 21, 2021

17-21 de mayo

¡Hola Familias! 

We made it through another week! It sure is feeling like summer is here. :) We have had a fun and busy week! Here's what we've been up to...

Reading / Lectura: This week we reviewed las vocales (the vowels) and los consonantes (the consonants). It's amazing to see how far the kids have come this year, not only in their reading/writing abilities, but also in their language! I'm so proud of them! We also reviewed the difference between sustantivos (nouns), verbos (verbs), and adjetivos (adjectives). This was tricky, but the kids did a great job!

Writing / Escritura: To continue with our opinion writing unit, we wrote books about our favorite things. The kids LOVED writing about their favorite colors, foods, toys, and more, and telling the class about them!

Math / Matemáticas: This week we continued working on parts of numbers, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 1s, and learned some vocabulary to describe length, height, and weight, including largo/corto (long/short), alto/bajo (tall/short), and pesado/liviano (heavy/light). 

Bible / Biblia: This week in Bible we learned about Jesus' parábolas about the lost sheep (la oveja perdida) and the lost coin (la moneda perdida). We talked about how, in those stories, WE are like the lost objects, and God looks for us until we are found again! I just love hearing how kids love and absorb God's word!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Is your child reading in English yet? Remember that immersion kids may learn to read in English at different times, so he/she might or might feel ready for this. Encourage your child to follow along with you as you read, to finish a sentence on a page, or just talk about what you're reading together. Your child will love this!

Reading Tip of the Week
Speaking of reading, the SI teachers are working on some summer meet-up activities for your child to keep reading in Spanish this summer! Stay posted for more news! :)

Field Trips!
On Thursday, May 27th, all of the Kindergarten classes from Rose Park and South Side will join together at Sassafras Ridge for a celebration! A pizza school lunch will be provided. Would you please fill out this form quickly to let us know how many lunches we should order that day? Thank you!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend and stay cool!

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