Well, this week ended differently than I was hoping, but we still have many things to be thankful for! We had a busy and fun week with lots of great learning and activities together. Here is an update on what we've been doing in class...
Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables na, ne, ni, no, nu. I am impressed to see the kids growing in confidence in recognizing, reading, and writing more and more syllables and words. We also enjoyed acting out our favorite parts of books using títeres (puppets) and showing them to our second-grade buddies!
Writing / Escritura: We are wrapping up our unit on listing and labeling. The kids have been very successful at making mini-books with all different themes, such as colors, animals, toys, clothing, and more! I hope your child can share some of his/her work with you at home as well!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we have been practicing the +1 pattern, as well as telling number stories, recognizing parts in numbers, and seeing patterns in numbers from 10-19.
Science / Ciencias: This week we did more experimenting with empujar (push) and jalar (pull) on the playground and outside!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Have your child be the "teacher" as you are helping your child with virtual learning these next few days. If you are new to Spanish, ask your child to teach you some words/phrases. If you speak the language, have a conversation with your child. Celebrate the amazing growth your child is making!
Reading Tip of the Week
As you read together, have your child notice the pictures in books. See if he/she can match a picture with a word by identifying the beginning sound. For example, "I see a baby on this page. B-b-baby begins with the letter B. Can you find that word in this sentence?" This is an important skill for emerging readers!
Cookie Sale
You should have received a blue sheet about our annual Kindergarten Cookie Sale! We are excited to be able to raise funds to support the resettlement of Afghan refugee families in the West Michigan area. Yesterday we got together as a class and learned a little bit about what it means to be a refugee and how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to others. Please consider how you might be willing to help our class for this fun event. You may either send back the green flyer after Thanksgiving break, or fill out the same form here.
That's all for now. Please reach out to me if you need any assistance with virtual learning next week, and have a safe and fun weekend!