We have had a fantastic week of kindergarten! I can feel the air changing as fall (and even wintry!) weather is now here. Please don't forget to send your child with a jacket every day, as they are required to wear one when the weather is below 50 degrees.
We have "stepped up" our language in the classroom! I am now working with kids on speaking in Spanish more often. When we speak a lot of Spanish, a student gets to color in a space on our pavo (below). We are working towards a surprise at the end of November!
Here are some more updates from our week...
Reading / Lectura: We have been learning about the syllables pa, pe, pi, po, pu. We are also working in guided reading centers now. Additionally, we've been talking about characters and emotions in books.
Writing / Escritura: We have been working on integrating la ropa (clothing) vocabulary in our writing. We are looking at books with lists and labels, and we will start making our own mini-books with words and pictures next week!
Math / Matemáticas: We are exploring the numbers 1-10, seeing 5-groups within numbers, and using the symbols igual and no igual (equals / does not equal) to make equations with our number chips.
Bible / Biblia: This week we finished learning about José and then transitioned into the story of Moisés, who was called by God to save los israelitas from slavery in Egypt. We learned the story of how Moisés was saved at birth by Pharaoh's daughter, and how God spoke to Moisés in the burning bush.
Science / Ciencias: As we wrap up our five senses unit, we enjoyed some time outside collecting leaves and making leaf rubbings this week. I love the colors of fall!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Typically for a new vocabulary word to "stick", students learning a new language need to hear it between 40 and 60 times. When the word is repeated across different contexts (e.g. in reading and math), it's more likely that the child will remember the word. In our classroom, we are constantly reviewing and practicing our vocabulary in different ways; for example, through a song, with an action, or using a visual cue.Reading Tip of the Week
Book Bags
Your child brought home a "book bag" stapled in his/her folder today. Right now there is only one book in it, but you will see more and more books added as we progress through our guided reading time at school. I encourage you to read a book with your child every day to practice his/her reading in Spanish! See the letter inside the bag for more info.
Veteran's Day Chapel
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