¡Hola Familias!
It sure is getting cold outside! We had a great week and are starting to gear up thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas projects! Read on to find out more!
Here is what we've been learning in class...
Reading / Lectura: This week we practiced the syllables will S: sa, se, si, so, su. We have been working in our guided reading centers on some foundational reading skills, such as pointing to each word as we read and noticing the first sound in words. We've also been learning how we can make reading fun by acting out characters' voices and actions.
Writing / Escritura: We have been working on "list and label" books this unit as we continue learning about la ropa (clothing). The kids have been creating books with words that go along with different topics, such as colors, school supplies, animals, and more!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we have been practicing telling number stories in real-life situations, such as eating dinner together or seeing things in a garden. We're also working on the pattern +1.
Bible / Biblia: We are learning about Moisés and how he listened to God's voice and helped free the israelitas from slavery in Egipto. This week we learned about las 10 plagas--the 10 plagues--and how Moisés led los israelitas across the Red Sea! Over the next few weeks we will "pause" this story as we prepare for our SI Christmas program!
Science / Ciencias: This week we started a unit on force and motion. We learned the words empujar y jalar (push and pull) and experimented with how we use these two actions on the playground!
Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We learned about los veteranos, the different branches of the military, and made cards to give to Veterans.
Immersion Tip of the Week
I challenge you to find a time or a way for your child to hear Spanish outside of school this week! Could you play music in Spanish at home? Check out some "Super Simple Español" or 123Andrés YouTube videos? Change your Netflix language to Spanish while your child watches a show? Help your child remember that it's not only a language, it's a part of life!
Reading Tip of the Week
Go on a "scavenger hunt" for letters and sounds as you drive somewhere in your car. Ask your child, "Can you find the letter/sound ___?" Many sounds in Spanish are the same (or similar to) those in English, but others are different. Ask your child to teach you some letter names or sounds in Spanish!
Service Projects
We have a couple of different service projects going on at Rose Park this season. As you heard about earlier this week, we will be collecting items to ship to US military troops deployed overseas (see green paper handed out earlier this week).
Additionally, the Kindergarten classes are going to work to "stock the shelves" in our own community, at Community Action House! You will find a yellow paper in your child's folder today with more information about this project. Please feel free to participate in one or both opportunities to serve others!
SAVE THE DATE! SI Christmas Program
We are excited to be starting work on our Spanish Immersion Christmas Concert! Please see invitation below. It will be on Tuesday, December 7th at 6:00pm. More details to follow!!
That's all for this week. Please see below for more photos. Have a wonderful weekend!
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