¡Hola Familias!
WOW! What a fantastic (and tiring!) week we had! It is such a joy and blessing to walk alongside you and your child as we anticipate and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior this Christmas! We enjoyed a beautiful Christmas concert on Tuesday night and then repeated our concert again during our school chapel service on Wednesday. We had a blast making cookies on Wednesday afternoon, and on Thursday during our cookie sale we raised $733.79 to support refugees in Syria (another huge THANK YOU to all of our parent helpers!)! Throughout the week, we have been learning with joy, excitement, and anticipation. Here are some more details about our week...
Reading / Lectura: We practiced words with the syllables la, le, li, lo, lu this week. We are also continuing to notice patterns in books.
Writing / Escritura: We are beginning to work on writing pattern books.
Math / Matemáticas: We have been practicing writing numbers in sequence, solving addition equations, and listening and solving number stories.
Bible / Biblia: This week we have been learning about the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus.
Science / Social Studies: This week we had a special visitor from the Ottawa County Farm Bureau who gave us a lesson about agriculture in Michigan. We learned about how many foods we eat come from the farm, and what foods are grown here in Michigan.
Class Christmas Party
Our class Christmas party will be on Wednesday, December 15th from 12:30-1:30pm. Please send a $5, wrapped gift for our gift exchange. The girls can bring gifts labeled "para una niña" and the boys can bring gifts labeled "para un niño". There are also still some spots open if you'd like to sign up to help! Check out our signup here.
Running Records / Reading Strategies Video
This week, I completed our first round of running records to assess your child's reading level. You will receive a yellow packet with your child's name and current reading level in your child's folder. Please let me know if you have any questions about this or wonder how you can support your child in his/her reading. *I realize I didn't include level AA on the paper; if your child is reading at independent level AA, he/she is still working to develop the strategies at reading level A.
Additionally, here is a video in which I explain and model some reading strategies you can use at home. (In the video, I refer to the orange paper you received, but yours is yellow!)
Winter Weather is Here!
It was pretty exciting for the kids to play in the snow this past week! Just a reminder that if there is snow on the ground, kids should use snow pants during recess. I'd also recommend that you pack some warm waterproof gloves--even a couple of pairs, in case one gets soaked! We also have extra clothes in the office if needed, but they tend to run out quickly!
Also, I typically have kids leave their snow pants at school and then take them home every Friday if you'd like to wash them. You can have your child take them home every day if you'd prefer, but it can be a lot to carry back and forth.
That's all for this week! Enjoy some more pictures below and have a wonderful weekend!
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