Here we are again, closing out another week of kindergarten! One day this week I made a reference to the kids almost being done with kindergarten and getting ready to go to first grade, and a couple of them said they would be sad to leave this classroom. 😢 Man, I feel the same way! It is always bittersweet to celebrate such amazing growth, but at the same time prepare to move on to the next grade level. Have I mentioned how proud I am of your kids?! And I'm thankful we have a few more weeks left to celebrate and learn together.
Here is what we've been up to this week...
Reading / Lectura: This week we reviewed las vocales y los consonantes, or the vowels and the consonants. We've been working to read, write and spell more complex words, some of which have blends like /bl/ or /fr/ and others with closed syllables (e.g. "son" rather than "so"). We have also been studying characters, setting, and reviewing major events in a story.
Writing / Escritura: We are continuing our animal research project. This week we concluded our research on iPads and planned out our topics and table of contents. Next, we started transferring information into our books, focusing on using complete sentences. Wow--I am seeing some amazing work come out of this project!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we have focused a lot on number stories and on parts of numbers. The kids have been working to tell their own number story and write a matching equation.
Bible / Biblia: We are learning about Jesus' milagros y parábolas--miracles and parables. This week we learned about Jesus' sermon on the mount and the Padrenuestro, or the Lord's Prayer. We also learned how he healed the centurion's servant.
Science / Ciencias: This week we took our learning outside on a fun (albeit chilly) field trip to Riley Trails. We found lots of seres vivos, or living things, both in the woods and in the pond area! It was a fun time!
Critter Barn Field Trip Wednesday
We will be heading to the Critter Barn this Wednesday, May 4th from 9:00-2:30. Kids will need to bring lunches from home--preferably in a LABELED brown bag, so everything can be thrown away (it's just easier than carting around all the lunch boxes!). If you would like to chaperone, let me know! Each parent chaperone will need to pay $8.
Cinco de Mayo!
Next Thursday is 5 de mayo. We will be giving a presentation to Rose Park and to the schools on the southside of town. You are welcome to join us for the Rose Park presentation if you'd like that morning at 9am. Our focus this year will be on how the Chicano population celebrates this day.
From the Parent Board
Dear Parents,
The Rose Park Parent team is providing lunch for teachers and staff on Thursday, May 5th in celebration of Teacher Appreciation week. They are looking for volunteers to cover classroom lunch and recess periods so all teachers can eat together. Please let me know if you would be available to help! Thank you for considering!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Enjoy some more pictures from our week below.