¡Hola Familias!
Here we are, at the home stretch of the year! I hope that you and your family had a blessed and restful spring break. Now is the time to buckle up and get ready for a whirlwind, as the end of the school year brings a lot of fun activities!
This week, as we reviewed our SER behavior expectations, we focused on being a good friend and on including everyone. We read the book El Niño Invisible, which told the story of a boy who felt "invisible" until he made a good friend. Everyone related well to the story! We concluded the week by giving each other words of affirmation and thinking about how we can be a good friend to everyone.
Here is a summary of what else we've been up to this week:
Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables ga, gue, gui, go, gu (all of which have the /g/ sound as in gorilla). We have also begun our final unit on characters, and we have been working this week to identify characters, settings, major events, and how characters are feeling.
Writing / Escritura: We have started a new unit on informational writing. This week we brainstormed themes we know a lot about. We also learned to distinguish facts (hechos) from opinions (opiniones), and we are working on a list of facts on a topic of choice.
Math / Matemáticas: We are also starting a new unit in math in which we consolidate the concepts we've learned and practiced this year. We started off by making collaborative posters showing different parts of 10 (e.g. 2+8, 5+5). I loved watching the kids taking turns with each other, working together, and planning out their work--all in Spanish, of course!
Bible / Biblia: This week we finished our book about La Resurrección and completed our Resurrection eggs (huevos de la resurrección). As you celebrate Easter with your family this weekend, I encourage you to ask your child to show you the items inside each egg and tell how it fits into the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Science / Ciencias: To continue our study of Mi Tierra (My Earth), we learned about el aire (the air) this week. We learned how we can see air moving through balloons, plastic bags, bubbles, parachutes, and kites!
Spring Program: Thursday, April 21st
It's been a joy to hear all about the spring time adventures you enjoyed with your family last week! We've been preparing with excitement for two linked events in our elementary campuses this month! Our Spring Program and Grandparents Day are nearly polished up and ready for your enjoyment! ALL of our elementary students will be participating in our Spring Program this year because it's been missed for the past two years! It's TIME for all of us to gather in worship as one large family! ALL preschool through fifth grade students have a program prepared for YOU on Thursday, April 21 beginning at 7:00 at Central Wesleyan Church. Please plan to bring your K-5th grade child to our Rose Park "green room" at 6:35. Door I
will bring you directly to our "green room" which is known to the locals as the Student Center. This is where you will meet your child's teacher. From there you are welcome to find a good spot in the Worship Center. Preschool families, please find your special reserved seats on the right hand side of the Worship Center. We will call your children to the front for their special portion of the program! The K-5th grade classes will take their position on the stage in the Worship Center beginning at 6:50. We anticipate the program to wrap up a bit before 8:00. We hope you are as blessed as we have been in our practices.Grandparents' Day: Friday, April 22nd
Friday, April 22 is GRANDPARENTS/FRIENDS Day at Rose Park for K-5th grade! Your parents/friends are invited to our Spring Program on Thursday and then visit with their children in classrooms from 1:00-2:00 on Friday, April 22. Our Rose Park parking lot will likely fill by 1:00 so we will be directing more visitors to our overflow lot which is graciously being offered by our friends at Peace Lutheran Church at 389 James Street. We have special activities planned for your child and parents/friends in the classrooms from 1:00-2:00. Grandparents/friends who choose to may take their children home at the close of our time together. We'll have activities for the children who stay with us until pick up at 3:15 as well on Friday.
Rose Park Preschool children will be welcoming their Grandparents/friends from 10:30-11:15 on Thursday, April 21 as most are not in session on Friday. Preschool teachers will provide specific details for you!
Field Trips Coming Up!
We have a lot of field trips coming up at the end of the year! Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning any of the following field trips:
-Tuesday, April 26th (12:30pm-2:30pm): We will be at Riley Trails on a search for "seres vivos" (living things). Please only sign up if you don't mind getting a bit muddy and/or searching for bugs, tadpoles, and other creatures. ;)
-Wednesday, May 4th (9am-2:30pm): Critter Barn
-Friday, May 6th (9am-11:00am): We will be gong to Bill's Greenhouse to learn about living things and complete a special Mother's Day project. If any dads want to come, that would be amazing!
-Tuesday, May 17th (12:30pm-2:30pm): Window on the Waterfront play area
SI Summer Camp!
We are excited to be back in the swing of things and offering a SPANISH IMMERSION SUMMER CAMP. This will be held from June 27th - July 1st, 9am-12pm. This is a great way to help keep your child's Spanish at the forefront of their minds. Sign up here: SI Camp link
Corasón A.C.
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