Friday, August 26, 2022

23-26 de agosto

¡Hola Familias!

We have had an AMAZING first week of school! I have so enjoyed starting to get to know each child in our class! We have spent a lot of the first week learning behavior expectations and practicing our daily routine, in addition to singing songs, coloring, playing, and doing crafts together! I am so thankful for the opportunity to teach your child this year, and I pray that in my class he/she will learn how great is God's love for each one of us.

In our weekly blogs, I will give you a synopsis of what we have learned this week, give some classroom and school updates/reminders, and post photos. Additionally, most weeks I will include an Immersion Tip of the Week and a Reading Tip of the Week with some practical ideas for you to do with your child at home.

We have started getting a little bit into our curriculum, so here is what we have done this week:

Reading / Lectura: We are beginning the year learning ALL letter names and sounds in Spanish with a letra del día, or letter of the day. This week we started learning about letters A and B.

Writing / Escritura: We are starting to learn how we are all writers and can share our stories and ideas.

Math / Matemáticas: We are working on a libro de números (number book) and have finished numbers 1, 2, and 3.

Bible / Biblia: After learning how the Bible tells us God's story, we have started to learn about la creación--the Creation story. We learned how on the first day of creation, God created luz (light) and oscuridad (darkness).

Immersion Tip of the Week

Over the next few weeks, please don't worry if your child comes home saying that he/she learned nothing or didn't understand what was going on in school that day. This is VERY normal! Children this age often aren't able to process or verbalize what they are learning, but their little brains are busy making TONS of connections! Expect your child to be exhausted over the next few weeks, so make sure he/she is getting lots of rest! Above all, keep being a cheerleader for your child! It is a lot of work to learn a new language, but it is an incredible gift!

Reading Tip of the Week

When reading aloud to your child, "track" with your finger under the words as you read. This helps build print awareness and reinforces the concept that we read from right to left. This is an example of the "common underlying proficiency" (third paragraph), a theory stating that skills learned in one language naturally transfer to the second.

Take-Home Folders

Your child should have taken their folder home today. Please make sure you empty it out daily. We will have LOTS of papers every day in Spanish Immersion Kindergarten, and I try to write feedback when needed--so please make sure you're checking every day!

Labor Day Weekend

There will be no school on Friday, September 2nd and Monday, September 5th. Enjoy the long weekend!

All-School Convocation

We will have our all-school convocation on Wednesday, August 31 from 9:00-9:30 at the Holland Christian High School stadium (weather permitting). We will gather in the classroom at the normal time and then take a bus to the high school. Parents are welcome to join us!


Walk-A-Thon envelopes will be coming home in your children's backpacks soon. Walk-A-Thon is our only elementary fundraiser for the school year. We are able to fund our Rose Park Ranch initiative as well as a variety of programming throughout the year for our children thanks to the funds raised through this event! 


Fall is just around the corner and that means it's time for our Kids' Stuff Resale! Our fall resale is Saturday, September 17 from 9 am to Noon at Holland Christian High School. Join us for shopping or selling for all fall/winter kids clothing and toys. If you are interested in selling at the resale or for more info, please contact Michelle Schaap at or call 616.820.2813. The entry fee is $1 for adults and a portion of the proceeds go directly to the Tuition Grant Fund.


You are invited to our all-school skating party! This event is offered to Rose Park families only and cost-free for you thanks to our wonderful parent board! Mark your calendar for October 11, 6:00-8:00 and find your disco gear! 

That's all for now! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy more photos below!

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