Monday, August 22, 2022

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! ¡Mañana es el GRAN DIA!

¡Hola Familias! 

As I write this post, I am sitting in our classroom, where I have been most of the day preparing for our first day of school tomorrow! The first day of school is so exciting and full of anticipation, but there can be feelings of nervousness as well--even for me! Know that I am praying over our school year and for your child as we begin our kindergarten journey tomorrow.

I will keep this blog post quick, but I wanted to send out a few reminders about tomorrow as well as this week!

Snacks / Lunches

Please note that students will not receive "snack bags" that were provided to them last year if they attended preschool at Rose Park. They should bring two snacks, one for morning and one for afternoon, as well as a lunch (unless your child will take hot lunch). I suggest that you keep them in a separate container from their lunch boxes (i.e. Tupperware or baggie) since I usually have kids choose one item only for their morning and afternoon snacks.

*Please also note that we are a peanut-free classroom this year for snacks AND lunches. Products with other tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc) are fine.

For tomorrow, one snack is fine, since dismissal is at 11:30.

Your child is welcome to take hot lunch any day of the week. The best way to pay for your child's lunch is through the link online. Please visit the HC Food Services page and scroll down to the "Family Portal.Cloud" button.

School Supplies 

I apologize for any confusion with the school supply list! If you have not sent in a pair of scissors, please do so; otherwise, I have plenty of extra pairs!

If you haven't sent in your child's art shirt, please do so as well. It can go in your child's locker. Our art day will be Thursday, as well as some Fridays.

Also, if your child attended HC last year he/she received a baton. Please try to send it back sometime this week if you are able.

Encore Class Schedule

Mondays: Gym (please send tennis shoes that day)

Tuesdays: Spanish Culture

Wednesdays: Music (we will also go to the library starting in September)

Thursdays: Art

Fridays: Weekly Rotation 

Meet the Teacher Night

As a reminder, we will NOT meet in person this Thursday. You will be sent a link with welcome videos from your child(ren)'s teachers.

Upcoming Field Trip

We have a field trip coming up! On Monday, September 19th, we will go to Robinette's Apple Orchard with the other kindergarten classes! We will leave school at 8:30am and be back in time for lunch. I have space for up to 4 parent chaperones, so please let me know ASAP if you would like to attend. The cost will be $7 for each child as well as each chaperone. More information coming soon!

I think that's all for now! I am so excited to welcome your child into our classroom tomorrow! We are going to have a great year!

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