What a fantastic week! From our Walkathon on Wednesday, to celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month on Thursday, to many exciting activities in between, we have been BUSY! I am so proud of the kids for working so hard and for being so flexible and always stepping up with enthusiasm. :)
Here's a glimpse of what we've been learning this week...
Reading / Lectura: We are getting close to the end of the alphabet! This week we learned the letters R, S, T, and U. We've also been learning how plural nouns have an "s" at the end, and we've been learning how nouns (sustantivos) are people, places, things, and ideas. Finally, we have been practicing using our imagination while reading on our own and with a partner.
Writing / Escritura: In writing this week we have continued to practice stretching words to hear the individual sounds. The kids started out needing a lot of help with this, but we are slowly gaining confidence to try writing sounds on our own. ¡Bravo!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we started looking at and comparing shapes, such as el círculo, el rectángulo, y el cuadrado. We are also practicing adding and subtracting number tiles to make new numbers!
Bible / Biblia: We finished learning about el arca de Noé this week, talking about how God put el arco iris (the rainbow) in the sky as a symbol of his promise to never flood the earth again. We are now beginning to talk about Abraham y Sara and how they left their land to listen to God's voice and travel to an unknown place.
Science / Ciencias: This week we continued exploring the five senses with la lengua (the tongue). We did some taste-testing to explore flavors that are dulce (sweet), salado (salty), agrio (sour), and amargo (bitter). We tried lots of things, including kale, pickles, chocolate chips, pretzels, lime slices, and even black coffee (a VERY tiny taste!)!
Immersion Tip of the Week
You'll notice that some of Spanish reading instruction looks a little different from English reading instruction--for example, Spanish reading relies heavily on syllable blending. Even though some of the phonics and strategies are different from English, many strategies--such as comprehension of text and using picture clues--are the same and will transfer to English.
Reading Tip of the Week
Let's keep it simple this week--just READ together! Don't underestimate the power of reading with your child! If you have not already, incorporate reading books into your daily routine. Apart from its academic benefits, it is a wonderful opportunity to slow down and bond with your child!
Baby Pictures
We are going to read a book about babies in the next few weeks, and I always like to have the kids guess whose baby picture is whose (they LOVE it!). Would you please send me a baby picture of your child? It can be either via email or a physical picture; whatever is fine. (I will cut it and put on a bulletin board, so please send me one you don't need back!) Thank you!!
Fall is here! During the fall season, I like to set up some math centers with calabazas, or pumpkins, that can be used for different activities. Are you going to the Farmer's Market this weekend or somewhere with calabazas? If so, I would love it if you'd like to donate some mini pumpkins to the classroom! Any size or shape is fine. I'd love to do a pumpkin painting activity if we have someone willing to donate white mini pumpkins to our classroom as well. ¡Muchas gracias!
Grandparent's Day
Resending this announcement: we will be celebrating Grandparent's Day at Rose Park on the morning of Thursday, October 27th. Would you mind quickly filling out this form for me? More information to come soon!
Thanks for reading all the way through! I hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend with family! Here are LOTS more pictures from our busy week...