Friday, September 23, 2022

19-23 de septiembre

 ¡Hola Familias!

It's starting to feel like fall outside today, isn't it? We had a great week in kindergarten, and I am so proud of the kids for how much progress they have made so far. We are learning to take turns, share with others, and be kind friends--in addition to learning letters, sounds, and numbers! 

I am so thankful for our parent volunteers that helped Monday's field trip to Robinette's Orchard run so smoothly this week. The kids had a blast and learned a lot about apple picking! We enjoyed eating the apples for a snack on Tuesday.

Here is more information about our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week in reading we have learned the letters Ñ, O, P, and Q. We have also worked on distinguishing from singular and plural nouns, noticing the letter "s" at the end. Additionally, we are working on noticing letters in books and acting like the characters/animals in the books we read.

Writing / Escritura: We have been working hard on writing words this week on our writing pages. We have learned to use the sound chart as a tool to find the sound we want to write and copy it on the page. The kids are doing an amazing job at this, and it is a HUGE first step in writing!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been drawing and looking at scenes with different numbers of objects. We have also been using number tiles (I sent a copy home) to represent numbers and show different parts.

Bible / Biblia: This week we have been learning about el arca de Noé, or Noah's ark. We have been making puppets to retell the story and will finish next week!

Science / Ciencias: This week we explored the sense of el olfato (smell) using la nariz. We learned the terms huele bien and huele mal, which we practiced when smelling some mystery items (e.g. chocolate powder, garlic salt, apple cider vinegar, cinnamon, and more!). This was a fun activity for everyone!

Immersion Tip of the Week

This week, try to give your child a chance to hear Spanish outside of the classroom if you don't speak Spanish at home. This could mean changing the language on a TV show or movie, going to a place where Spanish is spoken (check out the Community Connections page), or listening to some new music. Take advantage of every learning opportunity!

Reading Tip of the Week

Encourage your child to use "picture clues" to figure out words. For example (pointing to the word "elephant"):  "This is a long word! It starts with the sound "ehh". Hmm, here's a picture of an elephant. I bet this word says "elephant"!" This is an important skill for students to use when reading and decoding new words.

Hispanic Heritage Celebration

Thank you for all of your help so far for our Hispanic Heritage Celebration! Please see the sign up (or let me know) if you still want to help out with anything. We have been working together as a SI community to put this event together for our school!

Kindergarten Family Night

As a reminder, we have a Kindergarten Family Night scheduled for Thursday, October 6th at Crane's Apple Orchard! Please respond here if you haven't yet. We look forward to a fun evening together!

Library Day

We visited the library (biblioteca) for the first time this week! Your child will love bringing home different titles from the library each Wednesday. Usually your child will bring home one book in English and one book in Spanish (or bilingual). You are free to return the books back to the classroom anytime, but try to have them back each Wednesday so your child can continue to get new books. :)

Grandparent's Day

Just to put this on your radar, we will be celebrating Grandparent's Day at Rose Park on the morning of Thursday, October 27th. Would you mind quickly filling out this form for me? More information to come soon!

Maestra Absent

I am going out of town next weekend and will be gone Friday afternoon, as well as the following Monday (all day) and part of Tuesday. I should be back Tuesday afternoon with the kids. :)

That's all for now, familias! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy more photos below!

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