Well, it seems like winter is finally here! We were pretty excited in our classroom to see the snow this week! We have been doing lots of playing, learning, and growing every day! Here is what we've been up to this week...
Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables fa, fe, fi, fo, fu. We have also been working on using strategies to be súper lectores--super readers--such as following along with our fingers, rereading tricky words, and looking for picture clues. Finally, we have been learning the difference between sustantivos (nouns) and verbos.
Writing / Escritura: This week we have been finishing up writing pattern books! The kids chose their favorite book that they wrote themselves, and then we worked on revising and editing it. Finally, we presented our writing to the class.
Math / Matemáticas: We have been having fun counting and writing to higher and higher numbers! This week we also worked a lot with numbers 10-20, using counters, nickels, and dimes.
Bible / Biblia: In Bible this week we learned about Sansón and how he used his strength to help God's people. Then, we learned about Samuel the prophet who spoke God's word to the Israelites. We also started to learn about how Samuel named Saúl as Israel's first king, and how he was followed by David.
Immersion Tip of the WeekAre you as amazed and excited about your child's learning journey as I am? Tell a friend! Spread the word to help our program continue to grow and thrive in the coming years. Enrollment for preschool and kindergarten begins this Wednesday, February 1st!
Reading Tip of the Week
When reading with your child this week, ask him/her to retell the story to you in order after you finish it. Or, ask: "What happened at the beginning? The middle? The end?" Sequencing and retelling stories are important reading comprehension skills for your child to practice in English AND Spanish!
100th Day of School!
Yes! We have been in school for almost 100 days! We will celebrate our 100th day of school on Monday, February 6th! One of the activities we'll do that day is make a 100-piece snack mix. Would you consider sending in an item for this activity? Here is the signup!
Lunch Helper
I have lots of available days if you would like to help out as a lunch helper on Thursdays! Take a look at the signup here.
Have a great weekend! Here are more pictures from our week.