Friday, February 24, 2023

21-24 de febrero

¡Hola Familias!

We ended up with a pretty short week this week, didn't we?! I hope you enjoyed some extra family time and some slower days at home. Although there were only 2 days of school this week, we did lots of learning! Here's what we've been up to...

Reading / Lectura: This week we didn't learn a new syllable, but we reviewed the syllables with r and also did some practice with verbs in different tenses. We've also been reading an assortment of fiction and nonfiction texts and responding to them.

Writing / Escritura: We practiced telling about an event in our lives using principio, medio, y final (beginning, middle, and end). We made a plan to write using post-it notes and started writing our 3-page stories!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been working on representing teen numbers using both equations and objects. The kids are getting better at representing and building the numbers from 1-20!

Bible / Biblia: This week we concluded the stories of Elías (Elijah) and started to learn about Eliseo (Elisha). Through these stories, we are learning how God always takes care of us and is always with us.

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We learned a little bit about las marmotas (groundhogs) and los presidentes this week.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Ask your child to tell you about his/her favorite thing from school today, or any day next week! Talking about what he/she learned with you in English helps reinforce the concepts. Ask questions to encourage your child to provide details!

Reading Tip of the Week

Create a special "reading place" for your child at home with some big pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. Build a "reading time" into your family routine, both reading with your child or encouraging him/her to read alone!

Spring Program

Mark your calendars! Our rehearsals are underway! We'll have solos, dancers and ALL of Rose Parkers, preschool through fifth grade, leading in praise at Christ Memorial Church on March 23 at 6:30. We're requesting arrival time of our preschool through fifth grade worship leaders arrive at Christ Memorial at 6:00. Please wear your Streams of Living Water t-shirts, kiddos!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend and see you back at school on Monday!

Friday, February 17, 2023

13-17 de febrero

¡Hola Familias! 

We had a great week in kindergarten! This week was made even more exciting by celebrating El Día de San Valentín, or El Día del Amor y la Amistad, as well as pajama day, jersey day, and other fun activities for Spirit Week! We remember that God's love for us is endless, and just as we are loved by him, we should love others. What a gift to celebrate this with the class!

Here is what we have been up to this week...

Reading / Lectura: We learned the syllables ra, re, ri, ro, ru this week. We've also been learning about verbs in different forms, such as yo (I),  (informal you), and nosotros (we). As we read, we have been working on summarizing a story into beginning, middle, and end, as well as talking about how characters feel.

Writing / Escritura: As we have been working on identifying beginning, middle, and end of stories, we have applied this to our writing. We are starting to plan a story about our own lives by telling about what happened al principio, en medio, y al final.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we have been working on comparing numbers, representing teen numbers using equations with 10, and reviewing addition and subtraction facts.

Bible / Biblia: We have started to learn about the prophet Elías, or Elijah. We've been talking about how his job as a prophet was to speak God's word to the people. God always took care of Elías, even when he faced opposition from el rey Acab (King Ahab) and from others.

Science / Ciencias: Our plants in the invernadero (greenhouse) are starting to grow! We have also been learning about force and motion, discovering how we can make objects move faster and farther.

Immersion Tip of the Week 

Your child may be starting to decode words using Spanish pronunciation, even if the words are in English! This can be fun to listen to, but don't worry about "fixing" your child's pronunciation. You can simply say, "Wow! That's exactly how you'd say it in Spanish! In English we say the sounds like this: ____". Your child will start to unconsciously separate English from Spanish as you continue to read at home and as he/she continues to grow in reading skills. 

Reading Tip of the Week

Speaking of reading, make sure you are reading every day at home! If you do not have a regular "reading routine" (e.g. before bedtime, right after school, etc.), make it a point to establish one--and stick to it! Life can get hectic, but I have to say, as a parent I really enjoy slowing down every evening to read with my kids.

TRIP Training

How would you like to learn how you can receive dollars that go directly to your family's tuition account simply by going about your ordinary business transactions? Our Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) almost sounds too good to be true! But it's TRUE! And it works! Much of the TRIP exchanges can now be done directly on your phone! Kristi and Kim, our amazing TRIP coordinators, are willing to offer curious parents a workshop to learn how to participate so you can also receive some reductions in your tuition just by ordinary exchanges such as purchasing groceries, buying gas and taking a vacation! Even some orthodontists can be linked with your TRIP account! Join us for either of these two workshop sessions and bring your phone! You'll walk away from the time together ready to start chipping at your bill thanks to TRIP! 

  • March 1 at 6:30 at the High School in the lecture hall
  • March 7 at 2:00 at Rose Park in the media center

Kids’ Stuff Resale- Donating Day

NEW this year- If you have high quality items you would like to donate to the Kids Stuff Resale (items we could price at $15+ each), we will be accepting donations on Wednesday, March 2 in the admin office of the high school (Door B). Items can be dropped off between 8am-4pm this day only. Questions? Contact Michelle Schaap at

Coming Up...

-Monday, February 20th: No school (winter break/staff PD)

-Monday, March 20th and Monday, March 27th: Parent/Teacher Conferences (let me know if you did not receive an email to sign up for one!)

-March 31-April 7: Spring break

Have a great long weekend, familias! See you next Tuesday!