Friday, February 3, 2023

30 de enero - 3 de febrero

 ¡Hola Familias! 

We had a great week of fun and learning! Some special things we did this week included helping out with barn chores (the kids loved saying hi to our goats and chickens!), as well as Peluche Day on Wednesday! I love celebrating the kids' growth, and they are SO proud of themselves for speaking so much Spanish!

Here are some more updates on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we have been learning the syllables with v, which can sometimes sound like the English /v/ sound or also the /b/ sound. We've also been reading stories talking about characters' feelings, as well as working on conjugating verbs in the yo (I) form as well as the tú (informal "you") form.

Writing / Escritura: We are starting a new unit on small moments. To give the students some context and vocabulary, we are focusing on los sentimiemtos (feelings) to give them a springboard to draw and write about their own experiences. We are going beyond words like "sad" and "happy" and using words like "excited", "ashamed", "nervous", and "grumpy" (all in Spanish, of course!). We will continue this next week by developing an idea to write a story.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we have worked on counting and writing from 1-100, manipulating shapes and recognizing their attributes, and classifying groups of objects in different ways.

Bible / Biblia
: We are learning about el Rey David, or King David. We learned about how David, although not perfect, had a heart for God, and how he defeated Goliat, wrote salmos, and helped los israelitas during his time as king. We also talked about how David wrote Psalms when he had different feelings--bringing this back to our lessons on los sentimientos!

Science / Ciencias: We are starting to learn about force and motion. We watched videos of kids playing on playground equipment and talked about how we can move ourselves on swings, slides, and the tire swing. We are exploring how we can make ourselves go faster, farther, and higher. More to come!

100s Day Celebration

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to send in snacks for our 100s day celebration on Monday! Please let me know in advance if you aren't able to send in what you signed up for, since we need every item on the list to make 100 pieces! :)

That's all I have for now! Have a great weekend and enjoy more pictures from the week below!

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