Friday, April 14, 2023

10-14 de abril

¡Hola Familias! 

It sure feels like summer is here! It has been a beautiful week back at school, and we have had some wonderful moments learning together. As we look towards the end of the school year (8 weeks left?!), we have so much celebrating to do!

This week, as we reviewed our SER behavior expectations, we focused on being a good friend and on including everyone. We read the book El Niño Invisible, which told the story of a boy who felt "invisible" until he made a good friend. Everyone related well to the story! We concluded the week by giving each other words of affirmation and thinking about how we can be a good friend to everyone.

Here is an update on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we reviewed the syllables with k, which is not used often in Spanish and usually appears in English cognates like koala, kiwi, kayak, or karate. We have also been learning to differentiate between books that are ficción y no ficción. The kids are getting pretty good at telling the difference!

Writing / Escritura: We have been start writing nonfiction books in addition to reading them! The kids spent time brainstorming about topics they are experts in, and then they started writing facts about their topic. We are also learning to differentiate between hecho y opinión (fact and opinion), which can be a little tricky to do!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been starting to focus on las partes de diez--the parts of ten. The kids have been learning new centers, some of which center around this concepts. We've also been writing, solving, and inventing number stories and comparing numbers using mayor (greater) and menor (less).

Bible / Biblia: After learning about Jesus' death and resurrection leading up to Easter, we have now backtracked and are starting to learn about Jesus' life and ministry on Earth. This week we learned how Jesus chose his twelve discípulos. We also learned the words milagro (miracle) and parábola (parable) and how Jesus' ministry centered around these two things. 

Science / Ciencias: We are starting a new unit in science learning about living things and survival. We are imagining that we are taking a wilderness challenge and need to survive in the woods with limited supplies. This week we talked about the difference between things we want and things we need to survive (e.g. toys, food/water). We will continue this learning next week!

Día del Niño Celebration!

On Thursday, April 27th, we will be celebrating Día del Niño (Children’s Day) with all of the K-5 Spanish Immersion classes! Día del Niño is a special day celebrated in many Spanish-speaking countries, often in the springtime. The teachers are working hard to put together a feria (fair) for the students from 12:30-2:00pm! Can you help out, either as a parent volunteer or by sending in supplies? Here is the signup. Thank you for your consideration!

Field Trips Coming Up!

We have a lot of field trips coming up at the end of the year! Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning any of the following field trips:

-Tuesday, April 25th (12:30pm-2:30pm): We will be at Riley Trails to work on our Wilderness Survival Challenge! We will be constructing shelters and trying to figure out ways to survive in the wilderness.

-Wednesday, April 26th (10:00-11:30am): We will go to Supermercado Azteca and Taquería Azteca to learn about different products found at Hispanic grocery stores, as well as eat some tacos!

-Wednesday, May 3rd (9am-3:00pm): We will take a trip to the Critter Barn to learn about farm animals.

-Wednesday, May 10th (9am-11:00am): We will be gong to Bill's Greenhouse to learn about living things and complete a special Mother's Day project. If any dads want to come, that would be amazing!

Have a great weekend, and enjoy more pictures from our week below!

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