Friday, April 21, 2023

17-21 de abril

¡Hola Familias!

It sure is a busy time of year! We had a great week, full of fun and lots of learning. Here are some details on what we've been up to...

Reading / Lectura: This week we have been practicing syllables that make the /k/ sound: ca, co, cu, que, qui. We've also been reviewing verbs with estar, which is one way to say "to be" in Spanish, and examining nonfiction books.

Writing / Escritura: This week we completed, revised, and shared our "Todo Sobre" (All About) books that we wrote about a subject we are familiar with. We are also starting an animal research project! The kids are learning how to navigate Google Images to search for animal pictures that can help them learn more about them. It has been a fun and exciting project for them!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been working hard on the parts of 10! We are also continuing to practice counting from 1-100, as well as solve word problems. This week we also compared 2D and 3D shapes, learning the words cono, cilindro, esfera, y cubo (cone, cylinder, sphere, and cube). 

Bible / Biblia: We are really enjoying learning about Jesus' life and ministry on earth. This week we learned about more milagros, such as Jesus calming the storm, healing the paralytic man, and raising Jairus' daughter from the dead. Our God is truly amazing!

Science / Ciencias: We have been examining how animals survive in the wilderness, finding food and making shelter. We learned the words cambios (change) and medio ambiente (environment) and talked about how living things sometimes need to make changes to their environments to be able to survive. 

Reading Tip of the Week

Establish a "family reading time" at the end of the day to wind down, spend time together, and read. Is there a series that you can get into as a family? Some of my kids' favorite series are Magic Tree House, Hombre Perro (Dog Man), A-Z Mysteries, Berenstain Bears (I know, very old school!), and the Mo Willems books.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Are you interested in giving your child more opportunities to practice Spanish this summer? There is still time to sign up for our SI summer camp! It's going to be a blast!

Día del Niño Celebration

There is still time to sign up for our Día del Niño celebration! We still need a few more items, as well as some more parent volunteers—especially those who speak Spanish! It is going to be such a fun afternoon—thank you for helping make it a success!  

Field Trips

There are a lot of them coming up! Thank you to all of my volunteers. Here are our upcoming field trip plans...

-Tuesday, April 25th: Riley Trails (afternoon)

-Wednesday, April 26th: Taquería Azteca (late morning)

-Wedensday, May 3rd: Critter Barn (all day)

-Wednesday, May 10th: Bill's Greenhouse (morning)

Library notice:

The week of May 1-5 is the last week for students to borrow books from the Rose Park Library
All student library materials are due by May 12.

I think that's all for now! Enjoy some more pictures from our week below, and have a great weekend!

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